Anne Bishop


Jun 3, 2004
How many people have discovered this author :)

Last year I got the first book in the Black Jewels Series and was completely hooked. Since then I have got all the Black Jewels series books and started her knew one, Tir Alainn.
I read the first of the Black Jewels and I just wasn't impressed. I liked the originality of it but didn't like the culture or the politics that were involved. I felt that the characters weren't developed enough - they were kind of flat as I recall. Maybe it was because there were too many to do justice to. I don't remember too much about it. I remember buying it because the story was intriguing but the book didn't live up to the back cover for me.
I really enjoyed all the books in the Black Jewel Series especially the first one. I thought the characters were interesting and kinda dark at times. I felt Bishop didn't shy away from unpleasant aspects of human nature and that made her characters interesting and not always predictable. :)
Has anyone read Tir Alainn series by this author?

So far I've only been able to get the first book and been distracted by the multitude of other books I want to buy :) , so havent got around to buy the rest.

However, I was wondering how the series progressed. This first book is a fair start to a new series, but i would like to think it improved :)
The only books of Anne Bishop's that I have read were the Tir Alainn series. They were decent reads, the second book was my favorite. They wouldn't go on my bookshelves though. :)
Devillishgirl said:
The only books of Anne Bishop's that I have read were the Tir Alainn series. They were decent reads, the second book was my favorite. They wouldn't go on my bookshelves though. :)
So they do get better as the books progress then :)
I've noticed a new book available this month on Amazon by Bishop. Dreams Made Flesh. It's suppose to return to the Black Jewels Series. Anyone got it or know anything about it:D
I finished this complication of short stories based on the Black Jewel series :D I really enjoyed returning to those characters I'd loved in the series and two of the stories was about Lucivar and Daemon. There is something about these characters that draws me in and keeps my attention :D
rune said:
I've noticed a new book available this month on Amazon by Bishop. Dreams Made Flesh. It's suppose to return to the Black Jewels Series. Anyone got it or know anything about it:D
All I know about this is that it is basically a series or collection of stories revolving around the world of the Black Jewels and helps to flesh out certain aspects a bit more.

As mentioned on aonther trhead, Anne is writing a new duology on a new world, book 1 due Feb 2006.

I'll be seeing Anne in Sydney, OZ in a couple of weeks for a book sigining so if anyone has a query maybe they'd like to ask it, no guarantee she'lll have either the time or wish to give too much away though..

I think she has an email people use to ask stuff but just a thought seeing that I'll be there..:D
I absolutely loved her books! I liked the Black Jewels series the best. I enjoyed her humor, her world and her people. I'm only sorry I've read everything and can't seem to find another series to really get into!
That's the only problem I have with this author, she doesnt write a lot. I would like to see more of her work.
I found Anne Bishop last year and fell in love with her Black Jewel books and read her Tir Alainn books did not care for them so I don't know if I will get her new book that comes out in Feb.2006
I'll probably get her new book as I've really enjoyed her stuff so far :)
Noticed Sebastion is released next month, anyone looking forward to that book?
I'm almost finished the last book in the Black Jewels trilogy. I really like the strong feminine message and the smattering of eroticism. It kind of reminds me of the Kushiel books.
Does anyone have any info on Anne Bishop's other books, and how they compare to her trilogy?
hm, I am glad I stumbled on this thread. I have the first book in The Black Jewels series, but I also have this other book by her that I thought didn't belong in a series... now I think it does. I just saw it at the second hand store and she is an author that is in there rarely, so I bought it on that whim. Now to find out where it fits.
Here's a link to this authors bio -

Ive just bought Sebation, her new book, the first of a new series :D

Tir Alainn is nothing like Black Jewel series, however I still enjoyed it as it did have a dark element to it.

If you enjoy the Black Jewel series then you'll love Dreams Made Flesh :D
Recently finished reading Sebastian, it was similar but yet had a different feel to Bishop's other works. I think it's a good dark fantasy book mind and some of the subject matter can be seen in an amusing light :)
I've read the Black Jewels trilogy and The Invisible Ring. I've purchased but have not yet read Dreams Made Flesh. Bishop's dark eroticism appeals to me.
HMMM...must get a copy of Dreams Made Flesh from my local bookstore next time I'm in town.

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