Well - I wasn't terribly impressed w/ this episode - other than the ice cream scene - that was classic! had a lovely flavor of that 'between the lines' acting that is so powerful w/ the right actors! (happens a lot on BtVS) --
1 - the 'shoehorning' of Jonas - why are all of his lines exactly what Daniel would have said had he been there? only, he's not as influencial on Jack as Daniel was -- and I'm not trying to incite a riot, really, I don't hate Jonas, he's a lovely character - and has so much potential, but they're going about him all wrong - they're trying too hard to make him likable - and it's backfiring -
2 - please please please - can the Asgard STOP coming to the Humans for help? If the Asgard are so damned advanced, you'd figure they'd have some idea of how to get rid of the Replicators - for cryin' out loud! I don't mind that the Rep's are still a threat, but geeeeeeez - can we find a NEW plot device? PLEASE?
3 - um - what happened to Major Davis? He was there when the X-303 was taken - and he had nothing to do at the SGC afterward? I don't think THAT much time had passed - 'continuity' people!
4 - nothing going on at the SGC except the x-change of ppl for supplies? and 'over stock' much? Did Thor need to grab ALL of the weapons from the amory? Leaving the SGC w/ nothing? There are like 14 other SG teams, right? I was confused about that.
5 - recycled plot line -- need something new -- I know there are only so many storylines, but this was too predictable - they should come up with a new and interesting twist -- like, the 'human' replicators wanted to be friends, but there was one that still had the 'defect' and was trying to muck up everything - or something - like a colony on the planet, or -- anything - but the 'ooh, we're the baddies and we're gonna kick your butt! Bwahahahahaha!' -- 'er, no you're not! b/c we're the goodies and we always win! mwahahahaha!' -- grr argh -