Coming Soon...

Originally posted by ysm
Epi's. with a smart Jack?! I'm there! :D I'd also like to see some pictures with the fic. Do you think that would be possible? Not that usually read books w/pix, but I'd like to look at Jack while I'm reading about him. :naughty:

LOL, well I can certainly relate to that.

As it is now, we're not adding any graphics to the stories, since we have enough to do as it is, but it ain't impossible to add some later.


new episode up, written by Danvers and our very own skydiver! It's called "Even Ground" and is our first Daniel "centric" episode. The others are in it plenty, but there is a certain emphasis to his presense.

Diplomatic enough?

The ep rocks, don't miss it.
For those who doesn't make it a habit of reading the update page on the VS homesite:

The VS has not been abandoned, we're just trying to get real life to bow before its masters. Suffice to say, it's going so-so. We're
still working on it, but we'd rather have an excellent ep out a bit
later than a shitty one out early.

We will be back. Bwahahahahaha.


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