Cassini: meets the lord of the rings

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
Well, we've waited a long time for this - and I can't wait for the Huygens probe results in January, when it'll touh down on Titan, one of the most enigmatic moons in the solar system.

Just as Earth is at the triple point of water - ie, water can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas on earth - so Titan is at the triple point of Methane. And until Huygens' breaks through the biochemical smog cloudy the moon, we'll not be able to see what that looks like.

Anyway, here's how the BBC is covering the current arrival:

Cassini through the rings:

The international mission to Saturn - Cassini-Huygens - has returned the first close-up images of Saturn's rings. The probe successfully entered an orbit of the sixth planet on Thursday.

The $3.3bn probe fired its main engine for 95 minutes to slow it sufficiently to be captured by the gravity of Saturn and begin its four-year science mission.

"That brings tears to my eyes. That's just gorgeous," said Cassini's imaging team leader Carolyn Porco on seeing the remarkable first pictures of the rings.

Many of the images show ripple-like features in the rings called density waves which arise from differences in the packing of ring particles.

The pictures also show a phenomenon known as a bending wave - a spiral warping effect in the ring plane.

Both types of wave feature are caused by the influence of Saturn's external moons on the ring system.


Cassini's first pass at Titan:

The international Cassini-Huygens probe has had its first opportunity to fly by Saturn's biggest moon, Titan.

Already the spacecraft has managed to detect large linear features on Titan's surface which are obscured from Earth telescopes by its thick atmosphere.

Imaging specialists said these could be techtonic structures - areas of crust which had been shaped by movement.

Cassini flew within 350,000km of the moon, the first of more than 40 visits it will make in the next four years.

Not only is Titan a primary science target for the mission, but the sheer size of the moon means navigators can use its gravitational attraction to make major changes in the spacecraft's orbital paths.

This means Cassini can move to different parts of the Saturnian system without using too much fuel.

Cassini-Huygens - the main spacecraft carries the Huygens "lander" intended for delivery to Titan in January next year - arrived at the sixth planet on Thursday.
We are almost in November, Brian, so I suppose the time will pass faster now till January. I'm eager to see what's on Titan.

I read your prologue 'Emperor'. I still believe you should write something about Titan before the landing of Cassini-Huygens. I know you are very busy, but imagine the beauthy of rings around Saturn and a possible future life on Titan.

Remember me ? ;)

This image shows Titan in ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths. It was taken by Cassini's imaging science subsystem on Oct. 26, 2004, and is constructed from four images acquired through different color filters. Red and green colors represent infrared wavelengths and show areas where atmospheric methane absorbs light. These colors reveal a brighter (redder) northern hemisphere. Blue represents ultraviolet wavelengths and shows the high atmosphere and detached hazes.

Titan has a gigantic atmosphere, extending hundreds of kilometers above the surface. The sharp variations in brightness on Titan's surface (and clouds near the south pole) are apparent at infrared wavelengths. The image scale of this picture is 6.4 kilometers (4 miles) per pixel.

I got lots more shots of Titan in black and white. After all I do allot of research in this field as well as astrophysics and nanotechnology on my own, for me it's an itch I am always looking for so I can scratch it. If interested just ask. Carry on:)
Nice to meet ya Alexa, well hava nice day and I hope we get to chat sometime. From your dedicated greeter of new comers to the forum. That's allot of welcome mats.
Nice to meet you, Maryjane ! Thanks a lot for your warmly welcome.
It will be my pleasure to have a chat with you.
By the way, I'm in Québec (Laval). :)
I like that character from star treck you have for an avatar. I am an empath as well. I live in Barrie Ontario. I think your the only other Canadian outside of myself in here. I think there is more women here then guys to so we are not the only female sci fi and fantasy nut casses in here:D
I like a lot counseler Deanna Troi. Plus, I'm an empath, too. ;) I used to watch every episode of Star Trek The Next Generation. I think I miss it.

It's strange what you say about women. I usually spend my time on another site of Brian's, where the guys represent the majority. No many Canadians there either. I suppose I should spend my spare time on both the sites to see if I can help for the balance. :D
Alexia would you like to join a few of the girls and I on MSN especailly on the weekends. Not much going on in the forum on the weekends, it's pretty dead. If you have hotmail just send you email addy to my email. I keep missing you sometimes just by a couple minute. Tanks

It's true, there is no much activity in the week-ends. I think we have posted in the same time on the thread about the moon. ;)

I added your name on my list of contacts. So, whenever you'll be on line, we can chat.

By the way, I'm a French speaker, so please forgive my poor English.

See you soon,

Oh good, thanks Alexia. We might yet have our own little group of chaters for the weekends, well one would never know that your poor in english by your writting:). I am french and Iroquois decent. I can speack enough french that If I had to I could make myself undestood. Been a long times since I spoke it though. Rusty but wouldn't take me long to pick it all up again.
Hello Maryjane ! You can check Brian's links from each post.

No, the activity during summer and week-ends is not high. That's why I usually check my e-mails during the week, in the morning before I go to work, like now, or in the evening.

Sorry, I do not have a lot of time right now. I have to run to work.

See you soon,

Alexa :)
This image taken by Cassini's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer clearly shows surface features on Titan. It is a composite of false-color images taken at three infrared wavelengths: 2 microns (blue); 2.7 microns (red); and 5 microns (green). A methane cloud can be seen at the south pole (bottom of image). This picture was obtained as Cassini flew by Titan at altitudes ranging from 100,000 to 140,000 kilometers (88,000 to 63,000 miles), less than two hours before the spacecraft's closest approach. The inset picture shows the landing site of Cassini's piggybacked Huygens probe


Thanks Alexa. I see we may be using MSN allot during the summer months. I got five members signed in now. I work evenings today myself so I won't be on the board untill after 9:00 pm

Did you took the picture form space. com ?

Did you you see the clouds on the south pole are possibly not made of methane ? I suspect some surprises for us in January.

But, according to data gathered by Cassini, the particles that make up the cloud are too big to be methane.
"I don't believe it," says Chris McKay, a planetary scientist with the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California. "What else can they be? It would be like flying over Earth and saying the clouds are not water. If those clouds are really not methane, then a lot of the things we think about Titan are wrong. A lot of things we think about those clouds are wrong - the whole explanation of why they're there."

The Cassini science team has not yet had time to fully analyze the data sent back by the spacecraft, so they don't yet know what the clouds are made of.

from "New Images of Titan buffle astronomers", by Henry Bortman, astrobiology Magazine

I was thinking the same thing Alexa. I have a little theory of my own. The gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn are sustpected of being hot at one time like the sun but through the malina they have cooled but not cold. There is still allot of heat radiating from them and if this heat radiates as far as the innermost satalites these stalites may turn out to be much warmer then speculated. Or if these moons somehow produce their own heat source like from hot springs or thermal action like volcanoes and such. There are many possibileties but it doesn't necessarely mean there is life there. It would be amazing if there was. If we could find traces of life either still living or foselized on any one planet or moon it would drasticaly change the chances of life elswhere in the univers which I strongly believe there is. When I have more time I'll type out my big bang theory
But, according to data gathered by Cassini, the particles that make up the cloud are too big to be methane.
I suspected so Alexa. The site I get my info and pics from is NASA planetary photo journal. they give beautiful shots of Titan and Mars but the info is kind of sparce as far as I am concerned. If I want more detail I research it on the web or my Hunny in Washington DC who works for the federal government sends me detailed info from washington post and other news papers and magazines. I also stay abreast of Scientific America or Discovery magazines. The Toronto star has some pretty good articles at times as well. You may want to check some of the local major news papers where you are as well Alexa. Well I think this will be it for me for tonight. Been burning the candle at both ends till the wee hours of the morning a bit to much lately

Another interesting pic of Titan pic and info


This wide-angle image captured by Cassini's imaging science subsystem shows streaks of surface material in the equatorial region of Titan. It was acquired through a near-infrared filter, which is sensitive to methane. Streaks occur in the east-west direction (upper left to lower right), and may be caused by the movement of a fluid over the surface, such as wind, hydrocarbon liquids, or a migrating ice sheet, such as a glacier. The large-scale streaks are most easily explained by winds in Titan's massive atmosphere. The image scale of this picture is 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) per pixel. North is 45 degree to the right of vertical

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