6.22: Full Circle

Re: Oma & Danny as outcasts

My speculation would be that in the grand scale of things, Oma helping beings to ascend is not that bad, as long as the Ancients believe that the beings are worthy, and obviously they did not want Anubis.

But, that actively interfering in the affairs of others, and changing the course of events, would not be tolerated. In another thread, I think it was Skydiver that jokingly likened it to the 'Q Continuum' in 'Star Trek', although I think a better analogy would be the 'Bajoran Wormhole Prophets'.

But, I also think that you forget that Oma herself, may feel responsible for the actions of Danny, because she allowed him to ascend. So, if Danny breaks the rules, she will be punished too, unless she takes some action first.
Re: Spoilers (no great surprise)

Originally posted by Wingless Flyer
I liked this one. Although it did worry me when the Star Wars thing stuck out a mile (Anubis and Daniel)

I am so glad someone else saw that - as soon as Anubis came out with 'you don't know who I am do you' the words 'I am your father Luke' just popped right out of my mouth - it was just so Star Wars - we even had Anubis with his own little Death Star at the end blowing Abydos to hell there didn't we ?

I also felt this should have been a two parter - so many parts were way too rushed and I really didn't think that Hammond and the other guys would have believed Jack's explanation that they had to go to Abydos because Daniel told him quite that quickly - although of course Teal'c already had an advantage there cos of his own experience

oh well, let see what season 7 brings
Hehe the star wars anology I didtn see it until you mentioned it and how right you are.

They have left Series 6 end with a real inbalance of power.

Daniel let Anubis get the eye Rah. He then completely destroyed all of the system lord ships, did any of them survive?

You would think with his new toy Anubis would head straight to Earth and destroy the SGC. If Series 7 starts with some weak off world hunt for the lost city of the ancients with no reference to Anubis`s Uber ship then it will be one big plot flaw.

As it stands I dont believe anyone has the power to stop him apart from the Ancients themselves.

Unless this is where they bring the Furlings in??? Or they somehow recruit the Nox into protecting them. I miss the Nox they were great even if the leader used to run bar just off Bajor. ;)

gotta remember that Anubis knows some things about the Ancients and humans... this may be why he hasn't focused entirely on Earth. I'm sure the writes have premised that Anubis has a master plan... IMO it will have something to do with humans on earth as a central focus.

I have a question... I didn't see the ep, only read all the spoilers. Can one of the Brits let us know: How in the world did a Goa'uld ascend "on their own", and how did they only half unascend? Why did the Ancients do a half baked job?
It was my understanding that one must first relieve ones self of evil before ascending.
This is why Teal'c and Bray were told that they had to remove their goa'ulds to continue. They thought it best not to die just yet tho.
This whole glowy goa'uld thing isnt sitting with me because it goes against everything we know about ascencion.
Originally posted by RaTY
It was my understanding that one must first relieve ones self of evil before ascending.
This is why Teal'c and Bray were told that they had to remove their goa'ulds to continue. They thought it best not to die just yet tho.
This whole glowy goa'uld thing isnt sitting with me because it goes against everything we know about ascencion.
To ascend you also have to believe yourself worthy, maybe Anubis found a loophole to the evil deal *shrug* i'm sure they'll explain the how of it all in season 7?

x x x
There are two ways to ascend:

1. You get ascended by someone already ascended because you can't do it on your own. The ones who do the "ascending" seem to only allow "good" ones to ascend.

2. You use advanced knowledge/technology to ascend yourself. This is how the Ancients first ascended - they figured it out. It didn't have anything to do with good/evil... it was to escape a galactic plague.

So, when Anubis figured out on his own how to ascend, the Ancients tried to kick him out, but apparently did a half-baked job. Someone please explain how an advanced race couldn't do a better job of it.
i hope they don't forget the ship either. by daniel giving nuby the eye of ra, he basically helped him make his death star and contributed to hte destruction of abydos.

daniel, no matter how well meaning, has just givennuby his ulitmate power. yes, nuby was going to attack abydos anyway

however jack had the right idea, destroy the eye.
yes, it was going to suck for abydos, but at leastit wasn't going to be so bad for everyone else. all nuby has to do now is set course for earth and we're toast.

the systemlords are also greatly weakened by losing so many ships, which has no doubt also contributed to nuby's rise in power.
They were never getting off the planet without handing over the eye. If they didnt get off with the tablet, then they wouldn't be able to go looking for teh lost city yadda yadda etc etc :)
Re: Re: Oma & Danny as outcasts

Originally posted by Dave
But, that actively interfering in the affairs of others, and changing the course of events,

But, I also think that you forget that Oma herself, may feel responsible for the actions of Danny, because she allowed him to ascend. So, if Danny breaks the rules, she will be punished too, unless she takes some action first.

I'm glad you brought this up as I have something that bothers me if this was the case...

In previous episodes we see an ancient protecting the child, who was this?, surely protecting the child and killing all Goa'uld who try to take it is classed as interfering, and is no different to jackson wanting to kill the Goa'uld to protect abydos.

No sorry i'm not happy with the whole situation, there is no justification to punish one and not the other as both were instances of interfering. It would be much better if he decided to de-ascend of his own free will.

Spoiler for season 7

and I am definatly not happy with him losing his memorys when he returns in season 7
You forget one thing...

Originally posted by RangerOne SG13 SOR
Hehe the star wars anology I didtn see it until you mentioned it and how right you are.

They have left Series 6 end with a real inbalance of power.

Daniel let Anubis get the eye Rah. He then completely destroyed all of the system lord ships, did any of them survive?

You would think with his new toy Anubis would head straight to Earth and destroy the SGC. If Series 7 starts with some weak off world hunt for the lost city of the ancients with no reference to Anubis`s Uber ship then it will be one big plot flaw.

As it stands I dont believe anyone has the power to stop him apart from the Ancients themselves.

Unless this is where they bring the Furlings in??? Or they somehow recruit the Nox into protecting them. I miss the Nox they were great even if the leader used to run bar just off Bajor. ;)


I'm in the U.S., so I haven't seen the episode yet, but you mentioned that the only ones it seems that could stop Anubis after this is the Ancients themselves. You're forgetting one thing.

The Asgard. Their technology has advanced *drastically* in the past 2-3 years. Their quick advancement technologically has all been forced upon their race, in order to survive against the replicators.

That being said, the Asgard are kind of in a 'limbo' state right now. They're saved, for the time being. It is assumed that if any replicators survived the little "time bubble" thing and were able to escape, there wasn't enough to be significant. I believe they said something at the end of the episode about the Asgard not rendevousing with SG-1 until they were certain that NO replicator ships got through the time bubble. Since SG-1 eventually got back to Earth, and they couldn't have done it under their own power of course (they were in another galaxy for crying out loud), it can be assumed that the replicators are a done-deal, at least for now.

So, as Thor said in "Disclosure", SG-1 has saved the Asgard on more than one occasion, The Asgard have complete faith and confidence in SG-1 and the human race, and the Asgard have shown that they are *actively* helping Earth now in the pursuit of new technologies. In Disclosure Thor said in response to the question about why he had come all the way to Earth, that he came to *also* install some kind of hardware on Prometheus.

This shows that the Asgard are now playing a *very* active role in the day-to-day life of SG-1. Personally, having a supremely advanced alien race indebted to you for saving their entire race on more than one occasion is, well, a very good thing. :)

Nobody knows *exactly* how advanced the Asgard are. How quickly are they able to rebuild their race to the state it was before the replicators? Are they so advanced that they are able to create structures, devices, weaponry simply by firing a little laser beam at a pile of raw material, and *poof*, you have a spaceship? Or, are they still at that level where they need to rebuild factories, and rebuild processing plants, and things of this nature. If the latter is true, of course the Asgard's participation would be limited. Even still, if that is the case, they now have the ability to "spare" ships when necessary, since there is no immediate threat to them. They can continue their rebuilding process, but still be able to afford to send ships at any time in SG-1's aide.

I'm very much so looking forward to season 7. I have a feeling the Asgard are going to play a HUGE role in Season 7. If you look at the facts, The Asgard played a pretty big role in season 6, and Shanks wasn't even on the show anymore (Shanks does Thor's voice). One would think they had to pay Shanks a lot more to come back repeatedly to do Thor's voice, than when he was an active member of the show.

But now, Shanks is back on the casting list. So now, he's more readily available to do Thor's voice. Keeping in mind how much the Asgard were present in Season 6, I think Season 7 is going to have a lot more of our favorite gray aliens, probably fighting along-side SG-1 on more than one occasion.

But anyways, back to my original point, I don't think SG-1, or, Earth for that matter, is completely screwed. Sure, Anubis got ahold of some nifty technology, he's got a ship that can dust our civilization to oblivion, but there are two very simple, but very important facts.

1. Anubis did not save the entire race of the Asgard from extinction. SG-1 did, more than once.. I would think at this point, the Asgard would hold SG-1 in such high regard that they would do whatever is necessary to preserve their existence. Humans have proven to be an extremely valuable ally to the Asgard, and Thor stated that in pretty much those words in Disclosure.

2. Anubis upset Thor, and upset him goooood. This guy put Thor in a COMA after implanting a freaking chip into his brain. Surely, Thor has Anubis on his own personal 's***-list" way above any other Goa'uld (or any other adversary for that matter).

I think SG-1 is gonna be juuuust fine. So's earth for that matter. :)
This was a great episode, it was good to see Daniel again. I specially like the interaction between him and Jack in the elevator. :lol: The thing with Anubis and Daniel was interesting. And finally knowing more about Anubis and what is his story. I hope Yu could go out of harm's way before all the firepower with Anubis mothership because I really like his character. :eek: Also enjoy all about the Ancients and the supposedly Lost City.

Krystal :p
I loved this episode. When Daniel showed himself to Jack in the elevator I about died laughing. Jack responded exactly like I had hoped he would.

It was great having the whole team together again. Even after being apart from each other so long Jack and Daniel still have that exchange between each them that is so irreplaceable.

While I have gotten to like Jonas a little over these last few episodes I'm more than willing to see him bumped off the show to make room for Daniel again. Of course the question is still left as to where Daniel is.

I wish I didn't have to wait till July to find out what's going to happen, but I guess just know Daniel's coming back, the team is safe, and Skaara is alive can hold me over till then. That and a whole lot of reruns.
Forgive me for not reading all the posts here before commenting - but I'm kinda just wanting to say my bit -

Honestly, I was disappointed in this episode -

To me, it seemed like such a set-up for bringing Daniel back - not like an episode that happened and 'oops, now Danny gets slapped on the wrist' or whatever -- it seemed 'set up' to me -

Not only that - but I saw Anubis as an ancient a mile away - ie: as soon as Daniel said that's what the others like him were -- *sigh* predictability to the core -- come ON -- learn the L&O twist -- yeah, that's right - learn how to completely turn a story on its ear right smack in the middle!

I was bored watching this -- Daniel or no Daniel - I was just bored - blah blah blah ---
Hey, everyone is laughing their sides sore about Daniel and Jack in the elevator - WHAT DID THEY DO IN THE ELEVATOR?!?!?! C'mon, tell me!!

Catgirl, meow,eh?
Keep your stick on the ice!
LOL....it was just a great scene.

Daniel appears to Jack and goes on and on about the Eye of Ra and that there are six Eyes total. Anubis managed to track down five and only needs Ra's to complete the set. Jack doesn't utter one word like 'Wow, Daniel, that really you?' or something to that effect.

When Daniel has finally finished his little speech Jack just turns around and mumbles: 'I'm sure that was an aspirin I took this morning...'

And on it goes...lol They banter and crack some jokes until Daniel turns serious again. A really delightful moment :D :D

Okay, now about the episode. I liked it right from the beginning. Yes, it was a big set-up to bring Daniel back, but I always thought they would want a de-glowed Daniel in the movie and might try to bring him back at the end of the season. I'm even happier that this allows Daniel to come back in season seven now that all this has changed.

What really horrified me was the thought that this might have been the end...forever. There may not be a movie and this could well have been the very last we ever saw from SG1. I would've died watching this episode without the knowledge that season seven is a go and Daniel *is* coming back.

That The Others are the ancients wasn't very surprising since many fans already expected that. But it was cool to have this confirmed.

If it hadn't been for the ending I could've easily said this was one of my favourite episodes. I hated that they decided to destroy Abydos and ascend *all* the people. It just seemed so pointless.

So Oma is an outcast and has to be very careful because obviously The Others can easily stop her if they wanted to. Like Daniel said she and those who follow her are walking a very fine line. It's understandable she wants to stop Daniel to avoid drawing the wrath of the others...but Daniel can't interfere one tiny weensy little bit to help Jack break out of Baal's fortress or save Teal'c's and Bra'tac's lifes while Oma can ascend a whole people? Erm...yeah, okay.

Soooo....that's my 2 cents worth...:D :D
Is there anyone in the known Universe who does not want to destroy Abydos at some time or another?
Ah . . . no. I just want to know who we need to gear up for in Season 7. The military always likes to have a gameplan, ya know. ;)

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