Princess Mononoke (1999)

awwwwwwwws!its cuteness*takes picture and huggles it*
Duo-*attempts to do the same thing for vanessa and Q but it comes out as stick people*
Quatre-Takes picture from duo* thanks duo it's nice

Quatre it's cute you should frame it!! *huggles quatre*
Duo-Uh...meg its not a good thing
me-how so?
DUo-he wants to cause pain to you
no pain to you meg!!!!!! or i'll be sad...
Kaiba-*hugs tightly onto nessa while candidate people aren't around* I won't kill her then
but...*sniffle*...blah.Anyways,I have a mission now to get these things back realitivly on topic.Blah.I don't wanna be a meany head.
you have to be a meany head!!!! lol all mods are i wanna be one!!!!! lol j/k now i'm leaving this boring thread too
Princess Mononoke was actually quite the gory movie. lol, I was surprised when I watched it... though I'm not quite sure why now

but you know what I want?? a kodama!! those things are so cool and they do the clickity noise thing and their heads rotate!
heh I showed the movie to a couple of my friends and they were really freaked out by the kodama's. Hehehe cute little clicky things
lol *taunts* I can watch it at schoooool... in fact we're watching it during lunch on wednesday ^_^

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