Anime/Manga Tutorials

*glomps nic*YAY!MODDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!

I must be the only one who likes the drawing books.I think they're good for teaching porportions and a good thing to get poses out of.But the problem is alot of people take over the style of the Tutorial artist,which is annoying.
I took Art @ skool the last 7 years! and wow it has really helped me, ive also just started drawing Anime..heres an image, tell me what u think...


  • anime07.jpg
    32.5 KB · Views: 165
nice effort, butcha got to keep practicing. I dont care much for shading really.
*looks at it*its goodish,but its a bit dis-porportionate(spelling??) The heads too big.(sorry if it sounds like Im bashing on your drawing,its good but in order to get better,critasism is needed)
criticism is bad meg what ya talking about lol The only criticism people wanna hear is good criticism ^_^
um if its critisism its saying whats wrong.No one REALLY wants it but ya needs it to get better....
"Let us know if the books are any good Elisa
Are you just interested in drawing still images or are you maybe thinking of animation too?"


I actually stopped using the books after a while and started to look at other peoples art, real life and just general practice, practice, practice.

Also the realisation that to be good that doesn't mean it has to look exactly like the original. As I was trying so hard to get some of my fan art pieces look exactly like the original that my own style was not coming through and I wasn't comfortable drawing and that took away from the quality.

Now I've also got Photoshop 7 which is a great program and I'm creating some nice stuff.

And I'm also braching out into Flash MX a lot more now and am able to do some cool things in there too.

All this as I finished college and suddenly found I had some spare time on my hands. :)


I wanna use my photoshop to try to make some cool anime animations heh I made them before & they were pretty cool but i did em in school so now there all gone >.<
(er just gotta say meg that i made the yugioh one thinking there was no others.. i was new to this place...)
Um anyways about photoshop i love playing around with it hehe so fun
I found Photoshop so very annoying at frist, I was to used to the very user friendly Flash MX.

But PS is a better drawing program as Flash is for animation anyway.

So many keyboard thumping later I am now starting to get used to the program. It still uses way to many clicks of the mouse just to do some simple tasks, but it is such a powerful program, it makes it esspecially easy to edit hadn drawn pics for example. Plus the nice and handy Save For Web feature cuts down on file size so very much! :)

It does take a lot of patience though, it almost tested mine to the limit. :)

heh I might take com tech to learn how to use it...cause it does make pictures mighty pretty....but the thing shall always irk me
you should take com tech meg that class was so much fun ^_^ It's learns ya a bunch of stuff as well
But you may get annoyed.. cause well it's you -.-'
I breath and get annoyed...I might take it next year....instead of math12...I REFUSE to take math12
^-^hehe ANyways I should be pushingthis thread back on topic of those nice little manga tutorials.

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