Guess Who?! (game)

Sears is a reference to the very first episode of BtVS - Cordelia says "It's nice to see you've found the softer side of Sears" -- or something to that effect - to Willow - and Will's wearing this weird jumper thing that looks very odd - but - it's Willow's character - how she is -- anyway - that was the reference ---
*DINGDINGDING* We have a winner!!! :D

I'm guessing you don't know why tho? ;)

Orchid - In 'Homecoming', Buffy and Cordelia had a fight over who got the orchid corsage. Cordelia got it in the end.

Snakes - In 'I Only Have Eyes For You', Cordelia got bitten by one of the snakes in the cafeteria. And in 'Reptile Boy', she nearly got eaten by a big snake demon.

Cat - In 'Halloween' Cordelia dressed up as a cat.

Maybe you should do an easier one next, Arcy. :p
oops forgot bout this thread :blush:

God, bathtub, blonde/brunette/blackhead???

Sorry its 10pm here and I'm shattered :(

Off to bed with me :D

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