Season/Episode questions...


First Prime
Dec 31, 2002
In which season did the whole thing with the Dominion take place?

And which episode was it when the kilngons (I think) attacked DS9 with loads of ships, and the station put up a helluva fight, and some kilngons transported aboard, etc... I know thats not a very good description, but it was a very long time since I've seen any DS9 episode.

Thank you in advance for your help,

The episode where the Klingons attempt to take DS9 was 'The Way of the Warrior' and formed the first two episoded of Season 4.

Your other question is a little more difficult to answer. If you mean when did they meet hostility in the Delta Quadrant then I think 'The Jem' Hadar' the closing episode of series 2 (number 26). But things did not start getting unpleasant until Season 4 as a whole.

Hope this helps?
