Chronscast Season 1 Episode 9 - Lud In The Mist with Juliet E. McKenna

Dan Jones

Der Vater absurder Geschichten
Nov 14, 2014
I am here to do the thing!
This month we're joined by the fantasy author Juliet E. McKenna, creator of several epic series including The Tales of Einarinn, The Aldabreshin Compass sequence, The Chronicles of the Lescari Revolution, and The Hadrumal Crisis trilogy. Juliet talks to us about one of the very first examples of what we might term "modern fantasy" - Hope Mirrlees' 1926 novel Lud In The Mist.

Juliet and I talk about where Lud sits in the canon of fantasy - we compare it to Tolkien, for example, and Mervyn Peake's Gormenghast books, as well as other modernist literature from the post-WW1 years of the 1920s. There is talk about borders, the liminal spaces between spaces, and the reconciliation of our own prejudices and biases, as well as of silly names and Mirrlees's "interesting" approach to worldbuilding. Juliet talks to us about her own writing experiences, with particular reference to English folklore, myth, and the countryside, which is prevalent throughout her work and none more so than her current Green Man cycle of novels and her forthcoming Arthurian novel The Cleaving. We also discuss fantasy emerging from other cultures and parts of the world, and how writers should approach the writing and representation of other cultures.

Elsewhere, @The Judge takes a break from her advisory talks and gives her own opinion and analysis of Lud In The Mist, which places the idea of laws, frameworks, and legal structures at the heart of the novel. We have two writing challenge winners in @Parson and @Jo Zebedee. Lastly, to coincide with the 40th anniversary release of Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan, Captain Kirk is having trouble getting hold of the Division 4 football results, and lays the blame squarely on a certain green-blooded, pointy-eared crew member.

Next Month
In October we'll be joined by the author Steven Hall to discuss his smash hit debut novel The Raw Shark Texts.


[00:00 - 43:53] Juliet E McKenna interview Part 1
[43:53 - 45:17] Voicemail 1
[45:17 - 1:01:13] The Judge's Corner
[1:01:13 - 1:02:24] Voicemail 2
[1:02:24 - 1:05:47] Writing Challenge Winners
[1:05:7 - 1:07:09] Voicemail 3
[1:07:09 - 1:48:55] Juliet E McKenna interview part 2
[1:48:55 - 1:51:01] Credits and close

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I had an inexplicable brain-hiccough in my piece about the books-burnings, so apologies for anyone wondering which St Peter's in England I was talking about -- it should, of course, have been St Paul's, London, where Martin Luther's work was burned in 1521! (I'd written the right place, but eye, mind and tongue parted company at that point!)

As I've dealt with some historical issues in my talk, I've done another post in my history thread, slightly expanding on the things as well as giving sources: The Chronscast Talks -- the Law and History
It’s almost as if the Judge should be on more episodes of Chronscast, speaking live instead of just The Judge’s Corner segment…
Ha! There was a brain-hiccough when I was reading something I'd read through umpteen times before -- what kind of mess do you think you'd get if I were speaking live?!
Ha! There was a brain-hiccough when I was reading something I'd read through umpteen times before -- what kind of mess do you think you'd get if I were speaking live?!
Ha! you mean like preaching extemporaneously? I like to say I've made every mistake possible, and then I go and prove myself wrong again. (sigh!)
