The Cat
I like pretty much most kinds of fantasy though I realise that the liking seems to come in phases. I went through a phase where I devoured sword and sorcery fantasy and pretty much nothing else for months on end. That was when I first read David Gemmel and got hooked and proceeded to read every single one available.
Then for a long while it was fantasy with a quest of some sort. It did not necessarily have to be a quest for a thing or a person. It could be a quest where the characters grow and find themselves. I think I started with the Trillium trilogy and Eddings comes in here as well.
Fantasy with mythical beasts have remained in the reading pile pretty consistently though since it was a love and belief in dragons and of cats that really got me into the realm of fantasy in the first place. Add to this a love for quirky fantasy like Terry Practchett and Tom Holt and some of Piers Anthony.
At the moment I seem to be reading more urban fantasy as well as fantasy blended in with folklore, myth and fairy tales. China Nieville and Neil Gaiman would come in here along with Alice Hoffman, RA MacAvoy and Kij Johnson.
Then for a long while it was fantasy with a quest of some sort. It did not necessarily have to be a quest for a thing or a person. It could be a quest where the characters grow and find themselves. I think I started with the Trillium trilogy and Eddings comes in here as well.
Fantasy with mythical beasts have remained in the reading pile pretty consistently though since it was a love and belief in dragons and of cats that really got me into the realm of fantasy in the first place. Add to this a love for quirky fantasy like Terry Practchett and Tom Holt and some of Piers Anthony.
At the moment I seem to be reading more urban fantasy as well as fantasy blended in with folklore, myth and fairy tales. China Nieville and Neil Gaiman would come in here along with Alice Hoffman, RA MacAvoy and Kij Johnson.