Matrix Reloaded quiz

what does niobe say she remembered about morpheus, after he said his speech in zion?

Easy! She said she remembered he used to dance... and that he was "pretty good at it." :naughty:

What does the agent on top of the semi-truck say is the Key Maker's last purpose?
what did neo say when he went to the oracles home and didnt find her there?:rolly2:
What was surrounding Trinity's bed... in that scene? :naughty: (They're obvious if you paid attention to the film, but if you don't remember it like me, the answer's on the official website, where you can take a virtual tour of Trinity's apartment.) :D
oh, boy, well they were candles at one time. theyre all melted now.

but i dont have a question for now. can i wait one day? or shall i pass it back to you pkgrl?
Why, yes the "were" candles, weren't they? ;)

Go ahead and take a day or two to think about it, but don't leave us hanging too long. :D
sorry, sorry, i said a day, and i been gone a week.
cant be helped.

and i dont even have a question.
sorry :s

im afraid its back to you pkgrl. you asked the one i answered.

and you may not see MUCH of me around anymore, but ill still be around.

so yeah, uh, until next time, eh.
Don't be hard on yourself, spud. It was only four days since you last posted here. A new question. Hmmmmm.

What does Neo say is different about the Matrix code when he's in the Merovingian's elevator?
that the code is enccrypted in a way he has never seen

(a question to bring up, if he cant understand the enryption then how does he know there are eplosives everywhere?):rolly2:
I think that's just how he tried to interpret it for Morpheus and Trinity. He did say "like" every floor is wired with explosives. It may just mean that it looked dangerous to them.

Youre turn.
right o

What did Neo use to beat up on the Smiths in the Burly Brawl other then himself?:rolly2: (easy one:p:rolly2: )
that would be a steel pole, ripped from the ground, as well as a single blast from the concrete hanging off the end. :)

okay, havent seen the movie in a long time, so here goes:

what is the make and model of car destroyed by the agent jumping on it, during the freeway chase?


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