Naquida in the blood?


New Member
Sep 16, 2002
This thought just popped into my head.. I apologize in advance if it's been asked and answered before. :)

We all know that naquida is the element the Stargates are made from, along with a good chunk of Goa'uld technology.

Where exactly did the naquida in Sam's system come from? It seems to have showed up with her blending with Jolinar, but the specifics aren't explained (or else I just missed it.. I'm a poor American who has only Seasons 1 & 2 on DVD, no Showtime, and no Sci-Fi Channel, so I've missed like four seasons of the show).

It was stated that when Jolinar died, her body was absorbed by Sam.. but naquida is a non-organic element. How did it get there? Was it some sort of odd result of Jolinar's absorption, or do the Goa'uld and Tokra symbiotes perhaps ingest naquida to facilitate the use of their naquida-based technology (ribbon devices, etc)? And perhaps this minute amount in Jolinar's body was absorbed by Sam after Jolinar's death?

I was just curious, seeing as how I'm about to run out and buy the Season 3 box set.. thanks in advance. :)

And did I spell "naquida" right?

It seems that "current" Goa'uld symbiotes and their larvae carry the mineral naquadah (there are at least 3 spellings of it! :rolly2: ) in their blood. It is what allows one Jaffa/Goa'uld to tell if someone else is one... in Sam's case, even though the biological part of the symbiote Jolinar was absorbed the naquadah remained. Something similar happened to Cassandra in season 1, in "Singularity" from the naquadah bomb.

It begs the question why Jack doesn't have a similar trace ("Into the Fire").

As you've suggested, i think it is mentioned somewhere that it is the naquadah in their blood which allow the Goa'uld to control certain of their technologies (e.g. ribbon device and healing device). This is later shown to be true when Sam learns some control of these devices in subsequent episodes.

Interestingly, the aboriginal symbiotes which are later discovered on their home planet do not have naquadah in their blood.
Originally posted by PTeppic

It seems that "current" Goa'uld symbiotes and their larvae carry the mineral naquadah (there are at least 3 spellings of it! :rolly2: ) in their blood. It is what allows one Jaffa/Goa'uld to tell if someone else is one... in Sam's case, even though the biological part of the symbiote Jolinar was absorbed the naquadah remained. Something similar happened to Cassandra in season 1, in "Singularity" from the naquadah bomb.

It begs the question why Jack doesn't have a similar trace ("Into the Fire").

As you've suggested, i think it is mentioned somewhere that it is the naquadah in their blood which allow the Goa'uld to control certain of their technologies (e.g. ribbon device and healing device). This is later shown to be true when Sam learns some control of these devices in subsequent episodes.

Interestingly, the aboriginal symbiotes which are later discovered on their home planet do not have naquadah in their blood.

As Stated In Miror image Jack Didnt Get A Chance To Blend Before He Was Put Into Cryo and the Gou'ald Killed

As mentioned, Jack didn't 'blend' with the Goa'uld. Now, physiologically, I'm not sure what that would have to do with it since 'blending' is supposed to be a more 'mental' process than physical and I would imagine a Goa'uld dying in one's body should leave the same protein markers regardless ...

... but, since I don't have a degree in Goa'uld 'physiology', I can only guess. ;)

Originally posted by VertexOfLife668
As Stated In Miror image Jack Didnt Get A Chance To Blend Before He Was Put Into Cryo and the Gou'ald Killed
I had a feeling it may have been similar... though Rowan has also expressed the point that the non-biological naquadah would still be there. I can understand why the death-protein may not have been, sort of. And I have no idea which episode you are talking about, so it must be passed 6.12 which is all I've seen up to.
Originally posted by VertexOfLife668
Its the one with the cryo genics and stuff
Which if I've not seen it doesn't help at all! :rolly2:

Are you thinking of the season 2/3 interval two-parters: "Out of Mind" and "Into the Fire"? Or is "cryogenics and stuff" coming back in a series 7 episode "Mirror Image"? I'm all confused. :blush:


GATEWORLD - * * 1/2
FAN POLL - 3.25

STORY BY - Jonathan Glassner, Brad Wright
TELEPLAY BY - Jonathan Glassner
DIRECTED BY - Martin Wood
GUEST STARRING - Suanne Braun (Hathor), Tom Butler (Trofsky), Samantha Ferris (Dr. Raully)

O'Neill, Carter and Jackson awaken from stasis in what appears to be the SGC -- almost 80 years in the future. The three are asked to recall key events from their journeys.

This episode is part one of two, followed by "Into the Fire"
I understand that Jack has no naquadad in his blood as the simbiote was unable to bland but how come Jack's simbiote didn't blend instantly as Carter's did?
Carters had time like during the return and most of the SGC didnt realise it for awile becuase the gouald had enterned through the mouth and she also had time before the ASRAK (Or something) came by to kill carter/jolinar pulus the asrak only killed carter and for example the woman on "Thors Chariot" Managed top detect/use Gou'auld items suck as the pain device in "Thprs chariot" and "Sokar" TO name a few
Re: :D

Originally posted by VertexOfLife668
Me And PTeppic seem to be the only ones that frequent the board often :D
Well, I do tend to hang around... and have been known to verbiate at length on "technical" matters I felt I thought I knew something about (though often with just cause :rolly2: ;) )
One of the few things that I really, really what SG to explain is how Naquida (don't know if that's how to spell it, so I just do) eventually made its way into the biology of the symbiots, since we know that those living on their origional world lacked it.
Although it's never been explained in any episode I've yet seen, I would imagine that one or more symbiotes took as a host a creature which already had the naquadah in IT'S blood, and realised the potential. We know they can control the genetic structure of their off-spring ["The Cure"], so I'm sure they could control the transmission of a mineral from their host. Though there are many theoretical questions about concentrations etc that I'm going to skip over... ;)

However, the above suggestion moves the goal-posts: how did the HOST creature get naquadah in their blood. Probably by living on a planet where the "background" naquadah level was extremely high compared to other worlds. As such it would be "mined dry" pretty quickly by the Goa'uld, but any indigenous life could reasonably be expected to have the mineral in their blood.

The important bit would be when they suddenly found that with the mineral in the hosts blood (and/or theirs) one of their pieces of technology could work effectively by touch/though. Maybe they were short-circuiting the peltak controls etc., until they realised the potential and were able to create proper mind-control devices: ribbon, healing, Ashrak etc.
Iron can be mined from the ground, and trace amounts can be found in our blood, thus I can see your theory about an old kind of host being possible. It could just be that the biology of that host species had Naquida in its blood as a natural occurance common to its entire species, just as we have iron.

...that bege yet another question...Carter and Tea'lc never sensed any Naquida in the aborigional Unas, who are believed to be the origional Goa'uld did the Goa'uld have a "standard host species" between the Unas' and the humans?
Don't think it's ever been mentioned explicitly, but in "Thors Hammer" Teal'c implies a number of host species have been used apart from humans, some or many of which are aggressive and resilient, of which the Unas was one.
Maby Ras 'host' living inside a human is one of the/or is the host body with trace amounts of naquada....maby Ra WAS the last of a Race Perhaps the gould killed off the rest of the race when they didnet need them anymore.
I'm positive they've said that Ra was a Goa'uld System Lord...

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