Shaman King

ack pringles are wevil *remembers halifax*
Um yea I will read em over meg.Maybe you should stop too meg lol you complain about not having time but maybe it's cause you read those to much...
nope because none of us can speak either lol. If I wasn't an internet junkie I would have time to do everything!
at three in the morning theres not much else I can do without screwing it up...damn lack of sleep
lol I have a friend who only got two hours of sleep last nigth and went to school again
Anyways.. back to shaman king let's discuss how much ao looks like a stripper hehe lol & lyserg there both soon to be strippers i swear ask meg ^_^
man are they ever O.O!!!!Anways this mornings episode was mighty in shower *evil smirk*
lol that made you a little to happy meg ^_^ ren in the shower was pretty good better then with his weird little suit on which makes him look so midgeted
*jumps up and down*only 2 weeks to wait now!I REEEEEEAAAAAAALLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY cant wait to hear his voice! ^-^ if they make it like rens some one shall pay!
Lol we heard Horo Horo's voice (or shall we call him Trey) He sounds exactly like the story made him *creepy ness* I figured this thread can't really go just yet since shaman kings still going!

Oh & Fausts voice was pretty good as well
& I got to see my Hao finally ^_____^ & his voice was cool & & now i'm on season finale that's evil I have to wait till the fall to see more x.x

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