LOTR Alphabet Game

Lathspell is one of the names Theoden/Wormtongue call Gandalf

N is for Nazgul
Hey, what happened to people? Mount Doom and Osgiliath are places. :D How about Mithrandir and Olorin, both of which are names for Gandalf, btw. :rolly2:

P is for people of Gondor (kind of a cheat, I know, but after Pippin, there aren't any proper names that start with P) :blush:
I'm not sure what happened to people! I'm just going for people in two towers, can't go wrong that way!

Q is for Quickbeam (did we see him in the movie?)
R is for Rohirrim :D

And yeah, we saw Quickbeam in the movie. :D
Okay i'll explain.... Every time the Alpabet starts over a new subject is choosen by whoever finishes the last one. People is over. We are now on anything to do with Two Towers-book or movie.

S is for Saruman the White
Ahhhhh. Okay. I get it.

T is for Tower of the Moon. :D

See? I get it.
Good one, cap! :rolly2:

Skipping X... unless someone can come up with one...
Y is for yrch (plural for orc in Elvish) I even remember Legolas saying it in the book... a few times.
Z is for................Who knows

Yes I get to start the next one...

THE NEW subject is......... Anything to do with only things from any of the three movies, or from the crtoon versions of Hobbit, or Lotr.

A is for Argonauts
Well then, seeing as how we only have two live action films so far, I guess ROTK is out... unless you saw the cartoon version... which I didn't. :( Although when my nephew was born, he looked just like the cartoon version of Bilbo Baggins from the animated Hobbit. :naughty:

C is for Caradhras
F is for Faramir

(They messed him up in the movie so bad! :mad: )

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