28.05: Rise of the Cybermen

[Originally posted by Dave: Ricky needs your help: http://www.whoisdoctorwho.co.uk/s2-04.htm]

I love what they are doing with websites! A great supplement to the story. Are other TV series doing this? I don't know of any, but I usually just stick to watching the shows and don't seek out a lot of trivia. I'm one of those people that the 6 hours of "extras" to a 2-hour movie is completely lost on. But this is a really clever idea that I haven't seen done or done so well before.


[Originally posted by Dave: makes Cybermen a little too Dalek-like.]

REALLY! At the beginning I actually got confused for a moment and thought it was Davros! Then I remembered it wasn't Daleks. And y'all are right, the "delete" line was way too much - the writers should have edited that out themselves - maybe they didn't see how the scene sounded so Dalek-like. I know they were just trying to drag out the cliff-hanger ending, but they should have used some other way.



What is the blessed use of hiding the monster in soft focus and close-up shots of their feet for 30 minutes when you put their name in the freaking title?!?!

I hated it when they spoiled "Dalek" for me - I'm still not over that one. I don't get the media blitz so I'm very spoiler-free, which is the way I prefer to see Doctor Who since it's one of the few shows that surprises me again and again.

But I was really hacked off to see them not only put Cybermen in the title but then play tease-tease for so long - pitiful. Do the people who name the episodes read the scripts?


[Originally posted by Dave: And Pete Tyler hasn't aged in the last 20+ years!]

Good Catch! Well, you know there are lots of ways to make a woman look younger or older with hair styles, makeup, clothes, etc. But a nearly-bald man in a business suit is very hard to modify. They might have used a beard or something, but if you change him too much than Rose wouldn't have been so obsessed with him - he had to look exactly like her father for the story to work well.

The snobbish Jackie was a nice touch. But the way our Jackie is known to gossip about others I wonder if she might not take on some airs if she were rich.


[Originally posted by Dave: Finally some back-story given on Mickey, and Noel Clarke gets a chance to act.]

Ha! Ha! I was right.

[Originally posted by OB-Wan in 28.03: School Reunion: I don't see Micky adding much, in fact, I don't think he'll last very long.]

I didn't figure that the writer's went back on Mickey's "I don't want to go." attitude about space-time travel without having a purpose for him. And this show is very fast-paced in terms of story/character development, so I figured we would see it soon.


[Originally posted by Dave: Also not sure on how they got there, the Tardis losing power, and the little power cell...]

Yeah, that is kinda wierd. I was still dealing with the implications of the last surviving TARDIS being dead! - when they find a little green light and - Oh, everythings okay, forget about the doom and gloom, just another stop-over in our travels.

What was that all about? You don't just drop a line about the TARDIS literally dying and then cancel the whole thing, do you?


How does someone who regenerates give away 10 years of his life?

They are really confusing the issue of The Doctors age, his life span and the number of regenerations. Now, I know that there is an argument that the new series doesn't need to explain it all - they can just regenerate whenever they need to without regard to continuity now that it's post-Time War. I don't like that idea, but I understand it.

But they keep bringing it up themselves!

So let's get this straight - For the first 850 years or so of his life he lead a relatively quiet first (as far as we know) generation. Then his grandchild's teachers paid him a visit.

Now, he's 900 years old and has gone through 9 regenerations in the last 50 years. Didn't he say something in "The Girl in the Fireplace" about having to spend 4000 years on the "slow path". Or would that be 3990 years now that he blew away 10 years?

At the current rate, that's a little over 22,000 regenerations to go!


[Originally posted by PTeppic: My biggest "gripe" would be how EVERYONE is wearing almost identical ear pods. Loads of people today have mobiles, but not everyone and not all have them switched on, etc.]

Oh, Oh I can answer that one. The ear pods were issued by Lumic and he didn't care about fashion, just functionality. They probably offered some other incentives than styling to entice people to change from hand-held devices, like free service period, cash back or some other sure-fire promotion.


[Originally posted by PTeppic: the continued Mickey - Ricky thing from the first series]

That was cool. Micky was Ricky he just didn't know it yet. Although The Doctor seemed surprised by the development. I wonder if before the Time War The Doctor might have visited a different parallel world and met a different Ricky and that's how Eccleston knew about the name thing.

Wheels within Wheels.
This is the one I am looking forward to the most, well, aside from Army of Ghosts/Doomsday. The make it or break it as we finally reach a two parter for Doctor Number Ten. And I love the Cybermen, so I cannot wait to see their reinvention. Be kind of interesting to see them without David Banks and their silver suits!!!
A great episode, I like it a lot. Looking forward to the next part. :)
My go!


- Trigger is incredibly wooden. Such a shame. :(
- I'm trying to work out where [John Lumic] comes from: "Set sail... for GREAT BRITAIN!".
- I wonder if it's Mickeys fault that the TARDIS crashed?
- That would make an interesting spin-off: Doctor Who, with no TARDIS. Can you imagine it? Doctor Who and the Tax Return.
- Here we go! The special effects are back in business, with some beautiful Zeppelins.
- Bleurgh... why should we have family problems in Doctor Who. Please, please, please let the Eleventh Doctor pick a kid up from an ophanage!
- Now if I were a prop designer for Doctor Who, I wouldn't give all the characters oversized earings to wear. Not a chance! Electronics are supposed to be sleek, even three years ago! Those things look like 1970s thoughts on what the future would be! Eugh.
- Heavens... not only is Rose a dog, but a freakin' Yorkshire Terrier! I hate those yappy ba...
- President of GB? Interesting.
- A brain scanning device? Nifty.
- It's nice to see that altEarth mobile phone users get texts from companies they don't want, too! Could've sworn Rose's mobile was an old Nokia, though.
- Ah, Lumic is British, and is returning to the place of his birth... but from where?
- "In other news, the Torchwood institute has published a study claiming that..."... that what? :(
- I do like the design of the TARDIS, and how you can just lift up the floor and get to the motherboards, and wires, and everything! :D
- I agree with pTeppic: how can the Doctor just blow on something and give away his life? And why has he not done it since?
- If he was a much more physical fella, he would've rugby tackled the two of 'em, trussed 'em up, and locked 'em in the TARDIS until the glowy thing was charged.
- I'm not too surprised that everyone has earpieces, to be honest. If a company offered up an earpiece to me, then I'd take it without fuss... well, as long as the offered tech was high spec. No point going for something low spec that you'd need to upgrade within a few months.
- Eee. Always the case, ain't it? The best laid plans of men are always foiled by people refusing to give support to an idea which rips out brains and puts them into metal bodies. Poor Lumic.
- Lumic is still very wooden. Needs a cough drop, too.
- Track No. 90, #In the jungle...# Seriously?
- Oooh 'eck, Mickey's been found out. Fun could be had here!
- A lot of this "Old friend" business between Lumic and Mr. Crane. Don't see why...
- Noel Clarke ain't that bad an actor after all... still don't want him in Torchwood though. Well, not Mickey Smith, at any rate.
- "Stevie, how's things? How's it going with Torchwood?"
- If Cybermen are the future, then they could at least manage a few upgrades and sort out those flat feet...
- Rose can be an idiot at times. No wonder she's a Yorkshire Terrier on altEarth.
- The Cybermen are done very well, I feel.
- Lumic, shut up.
- I agree with above that they do sound too Dalek.
- Why Mr. President, don't you know it's rude to steal the Doctor's "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." line?
- "Not compatible"... someone has thoughts on who he wants to emulate.
- Go on! Delete Jackie! Make my day.
- Would you seriously stand stock still whilst the Cyberman oh so slowly flat-foot it around you and cut off all escape routes?

Anywho, it's a good way to re-introduce an old enemy, though I do think Trigger makes a terrible villain. There were also some very unsubtle mentions of Torchwood - what happened to the hard-to-find Bad Wolf mentions from the first series?

Something I've noticed from these five episodes is that the sonic screwdriver has very little airtime. If I remember rightly, we start to complain about the opposite in the later series - to tell the truth, I've been expecting the Doctor to whip it out at every single moment!
