The Magpie Mentality - or what about your old books?

I've got rid of some books in the past, but mostly those that I'd grown out of. I can't imagine getting rid of any book I'd read now! For one thing I couldn't stand the thought of them going to people who would break the spines or *shudder* dog ear the pages. I've been put off giving them to second hand book shops, because I've gone past a few where they've left dispalys of books outside in the rain! :eek: Couldn't stand the thought of that happening to any of my books, even if I didn't want them anymore.

I'm afraid I'm quite a perfectionist with my book. All the books that I alone have read could go back to the shop and they wouldnt know I'd read them.
Ive given away a few, but in general I cant bring myself to let go. Plus having a "library" is so cool.
Have become a magpie again after many years of giving away books to libraries, children's homes and old folks homes and having an equal number 'vanish' from my shelves.

Am now working on replacing many books that had been given away and now find myself buying duplicate copies so I can give them away. :eek:

Like Trey I love the idea of having a library and all those walls lined with shelves filled with books. It makes home a home somehow.
A1ien said:
...I couldn't stand the thought of them going to people who would break the spines or *shudder* dog ear the pages...
I'm afraid I'm quite a perfectionist with my book. All the books that I alone have read could go back to the shop and they wouldnt know I'd read them...

Hah heh! You remind me of my sister! I'm a bit more lax about my books. Books are for loving! If I can't take them with me everywhere and read them without worrying about creases in the spine I can't really enjoy them.

I have a clean out once in a while to make room for my new books but there is a core that never leaves me. These are the books I love and constantly go back to and cannot live without.
When I do have a good clean out, my friends get first dibs and the rest go to charities.
I just can't throw or give away books, unless I really disliked them, then I sell them to a second-hand bookstore. Usually I'm quite picky in the books I buy, I always try to buy books I think I will re-read. So, the amount of books in my appartment only grows, and grows,...
A1ien said:
! I'm afraid I'm quite a perfectionist with my book. All the books that I alone have read could go back to the shop and they wouldnt know I'd read them.

Nope! not me. I love books, but books are there to serve my pleasure, not the other way around. I carry them around, bend them, get food on them, never dust them, fill them with notes and stickies--but read and re-read them with enjoyment.
Cloud said:
Nope! not me. I love books, but books are there to serve my pleasure, not the other way around. I carry them around, bend them, get food on them, never dust them, fill them with notes and stickies--but read and re-read them with enjoyment.

I think I am in the middle between the two of you.:)

I like to try and keep my books neat but they are also well loved and I have had to replace a few due to them falling apart (Dune, Pride and Predjudice, ...). For some books like the Harry Potter novels and some others I have two copies, 1 nice hardcovered copy that always looks nice and is not read very often and a 2nd paperback copy that gets thrown into my purse or bookbag and is carried everywhere with me so that I have a book to read
most of the books on my shelf i will never ever part with. however there have been some that have made their way into my collection that i have no idea where they came from, and some that i've bought on sale or second hand for $6, that i was never going to read and don't really want. in either of those cases, i bookcross them.
Well im in the process of moving now (sort of)

So I organized them into 2 groups of boxes.
Books Ive read and books I havent.
I was shocked at the amount of books I keep around I havent had a chance to read. >.< It was about 50/50.

The ones Ive read get boxed so that I can find a used book store in the location Im moving to, to turn them into credit or cash. This is really frugal because for credit--I just use it to get more used paperbacks, so its like getting books for free. I'm not big on libraries,I would rather have a book in my possesion then borrow one and have to remember to give it back.

The ones I havent read will sit around a while longer until I decide.

There are only a few, very few, books ill keep that Ive read. Art books which I like to look at again and again, graphic novels I reread all the time, and some exceptional novels maybe about 3 or so that Ill save to give to friends ( like Battle Royale)

I prefer to not have too many possesions so Im looking forward to get ridding of books Ive read. And generally, if I think someone would enjoy a book Ive read Ill just hand it over to them not expecting it back. Im too lazy to send mail to anyone, ever, I mean Ive lost firendships because of my no mail policy (due to lazyness) so dont bother asking me to send you a package of books :p.
I keep everything. Like others, the book's condition after reading is almost identical as when new. I enter my SSF books on a spreadsheet to keep track of what i have and to easily alphabetize them. Oh yes, i'm a packrat/magpie or "collector" as i like to call myself.
Adasunshine said:
I've had to part with some books in the past and I'm quite glad I did, it's paved the way for me to be able to part with more should the need arise. I only ever part with books I know I'll never read again and giving them to charity or donating to my local library is a good thing as it allows other people to enjoy them which, afterall is what books are there for - to be enjoyed.

I feel terribly guilty keeping books on my shelf knowing I'll never read them again.


I think you might be my long, lost sister! :p

Seriously, I feel the same about books - I love donating them and trading them in for others - giving someone else a chance to read a book that perhaps they have been looking for and couldn't find until I turned in my copy. Kinda makes me feel good about myself. ;)

I have too many books, I know I have too many books. I've filled eight book cases, and still need at least another three. So I've been selling some of my books on eBay. But only the rubbish ones, or the ones I've no desire to read again (not always the same thing :)). Favourite books, or books by my favourite authors, I'm definitely keeping. I'm always buying new books as well. Unfortunately, I'm not selling as fast as I'm buying...
I keep all my science fiction and fantasy books, except for the rare few that I really dislike. Books in other genres aren't as important to me, so when my shelves get too full, I pick some to sell at used books stores.

When I want to get rid of those few SFF books that I dislike, I put them on the "free book" shelf at work for someone else to pick up.

About twenty years ago, I let my pet rats live (sans cages) on my bookshelves, and they destroyed a great number of my books. Devastating!
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