Rampant Misspellings

I know its not a Feist book - but going with the general misspellings (aside from my own, which seem to magically turn into other words altogether) I noticed several in the Hardback edition of Shaman's Crossing - one or two were rather glaring as well (I usually ignor most spelling errors)
Kasumi, you're right about all of the above. A lot of people who have given themselves over to the machine, or who didn't have a decent background in the language before the comp came along, are relying too much on it and not enough on their brain. And the laziness is definitely a factor also.

Overread, I gave up on Shaman's Crossing after about the first 50 or so pages for a different reason. I was a real Hobbs fan for years, the Assassin, Liveship and Fool series were wonderful. But this latest batch looked to me like it was written by someone else entirely - dry, boring and disppointing for me. I couldn't believe it. Just MHO on her latest stuff.
I really need to read a varied collection of books to compare others to his. But the Pratchett books have no mistakes and he has the same dyslexia right? Surely Ray just needs better editors!
i try to ignore mistakes, i read over books quickly, but when i readover a spelling mistake i have to stop and read it again to wonder what is was that i sensed was wrong... i find it a bit weird, though i dont know about you:p[/quote]

i do that as well
Not too many spelling mistakes in the other books, just King's Buccaneer. Strange that
Might indicate that KB was a 'rush job', probably due to publisher/editor oversights.

While re-reading Sethanon, I just noticed two places where the word 'your' came up 'our' instead - the Y is missing. Now that will really throw you off of who's saying what to who... :confused: :)
I've noticed in some of the books, 'Questor's Point' is spelt 'Quester's Point'*. Could it be a simple replace search by a publisher?
I've noticed in some of the books, 'Questor's Point' is spelt 'Quester's Point'*. Could it be a simple replace search by a publisher?

Yeah lots of publishers seem to do that.
I was bored so I sat reading the stuff at the beginning of LOTR (that no one ever reads) and I found that Tolkien had arguments with the editors about non existant words such as 'elvish and elven' as opposed to 'elfish and elfin' which is what the publishers first published his books with.
I'm halfway through 'The King's Buccaneer' again and I can't believe the spelling mistakes once more! I'll list some of them again:

'Drondorian' instead of 'Krondorian'
'Galis' instead of 'Calis'
'Fulgan' instead of 'Kulgan'
'Cathis' instead of 'Gathis'

There are a few more and I'll post all the ones I'll find later on because the spellings spoil what I think is one of his greatest works
I believe that a lot of his books have those errors are because they are First Edition. It's like that for many First Edition books. Sorry if that has already been said, didn't bother to read...
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