A Little Snippet

Yes, that's right, run along and sulk! HA! Mighty Orange Dragon wins!

(ok, see you later! :D)

Sulk! Sulk! I don't sulk! I'm too laid back. In fact, everyone knows:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh fthagn...." [/FONT]
Uhhh... yes. Being an Elder God means that I'm not as omniscient as I was.
Mind you,I'm not as bad as some of them. You should see old Tawil At-U'mr trying to use a Zimmer frame, he he he....

Where was I? Oh yes..

Begone, foul Wyrm: befoul not the fair citadel of Weaver's Cottage !

And Don't Call Me Squidy!
Wyrm? Pah, I am no wyrm! (I have legs for a start). And I would make a better keeper of the cottage than you!....

...you'd leave your squidy/octopus ink everywhere!
How dare you!

I am a lady, I don't do such things!

Besides...I'd hate to see what things a squidy-thing would leave behind...
I am a lady, I don't do such things!

So we can expect a large explosion soon, then?

Besides...I'd hate to see what things a squidy-thing would leave behind...

There, for once I have to agree with you - you really wouldn't! :eek: But where do you think the filling for printer cartridges comes from, then?
I offer a solution!

In the Old Tongue, Newt translates as
Huu'-Pey:a loveable, intelligent orange newt
, and Squid as
Pi*aan.:a large green tentacled intellectual squid

Will you accept a truce on the condition we use these terms, or a rough spelling of them?
Hm...still not happy about the newt...but if you are accepting squid, then I suppose I can accept newt!
Ok, deal! I would offer to shake, but you look a bit slimey...:p
Deal, then.
I suppose you're ok, for a nasty hot, fire-thingy.
Right! Who should we pick on next?:D What about that character wearing that weird brown hat thing - you know, used to have a giant Q-tip in his ear?
Have to be tomorrow though, I have to go and re-hydrate my pustules. 'Night,Hoopy:)

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