I sat here for fifty years and watched the "revolution" in sexual mores move from "don't show naked women because it's nasty" to "don't show naked women because I'm a femnazi".
That is not progress, that is someone forcing thier ideals onto someone else. Thats just idiocy. If I want to post naked pictures of myself or make adult videos for adults in an adult setting with willing adults then as a woman I have control over my body and I have the right to do so or to say no or whatever. I get so freaking angry with the governments censorship sometimes, and those dang radical feminists can kiss my behind.
It is about choice. I am not talking about human trafficking, those sick jerks can all be shot.
As a woman, I have the right and the choice to show, cover, love, abuse my body as I so freaking choose.
I do believe that adult -- anything showing anything between the top of th torso and upper leg area should be adult content and not accessable to children (especially my kids, I'd freak out). That doesn't mean it should be banned, but it should be blocked/covered/restricted. And yes, this definition would include most commercials and MTV.
For example, on my tv nothing above a g rating can be watched by my kids. I think that dirty magazines should have black plastic (or be kept in the back of the store). My problem is not with nakedness, it is with the way the female body is advertised as a commodity. I have no problem with tasteful art being shown to my kids, like Michelangelo's The Creation of Man or basically any renissance art that doesn't show women as objects of sex, but as objects of beauty.
see, here is my problem with radical feminists. They seem to think that honoring a woman's naked body is anti-feminism. I don't think it is. I think that when a woman has the choice to exhibit her body then she is being more of a feminist than those who would choose to control her body.
Yes, I went off on a rant. I humbly beg forgiveness.