if you like reading the backgrounds and inspirations for things (or perhaps you like the special features on a dvd? - to which this is very similaR) you should definitely read it more thoroughly. Also if your a writer or thinking of trying your hand (or i guess its fingertips) at writing, it gives some good tips of getting started and how to prepare to write.
A cautionary word about RC though, the background stuff is fascinating, but when Eddings intervenes with his own views, the result is disappointing, just read the backround stuff and try to avoid what often becomes self-centred, pontificating dross.
I started to read it but after like 20 pages i got bored and read something else....i like the original belgariad but sometimes you just go into TOO much detail... perfect example the Shannara series
Most disliked Character huh? This is indeed a tougher question than one would think. Considering that Eddings designed each character on an Archetype disliking any of the majors would be akin to saying you dislike Odyesseus or Lancelot or Robin Hood. However in keeping with the vein of the Thread Of the major characters the most disappointing would be Belgarath from the Belgariad and Zandramas from the Mallorean. The reason for Belgarath is that I never did like the Merlin archetype. The reason this changes is because during the course of the Mallorean Belgarath becomes less godlike and more fallible and Human. It is almost as if his secondary role gives more insight into Belgarath. As for Zandramas although she is a principle the reader does not get to knoe of her as well as they did of mad Torak. she is by far a poor substitute as the Child of Dark. Futhermore the way in which she is treated by the author through the story clearly states that she was only meant to be a two dimensional character comprised primarily of a shade of that which Torak was. NUFF SAID!
That's a good point about Zandramas. When I read through the Malloreon, it did seem like her only reason for being in the story was to be the Dark side of the prophecy, and she didn't have as much of the madness/sheer threat of Torak.
tobe honest i liked the charactor of Torak alot more even though he was developed by other charactors and not himself. Zandramas seemed to me to be a very Hollow Charactor lacking the Depth that i have come to expect from Mr. Eddings with his charactors.
Ya kno Allanon is a wierd charactor you know whos a better charactor? i think his name is Bremin or something he is the main charactor in The First King of Shannara when the druids are destroyed and the Shadow Lord or whatever takes over now that is a fun charactor
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