I finished the second one but have yet to get the third. I've just loaned them out to a new friend who is also a reader (yay! finally someone to swap books with!). Once she gives them back I may end up donating them to the library, or not depending on my mood at the time

************Possible Spoiler below - read at your own risk************
I quite liked Dannyl's journey - I liked how the two characters were separate but still connected. I'm intrigued by his character, especially now that he's discovered more about himself and magic. What is annoying me is the ambiguity of whassname, the bad guy who may be a good guy in disguise. That shouldn't bother me but I think it is so blatant that it is annoying. More subtleties are called for. The one bit I really didn't like is that even though the ancient text Dannyl read wasn't important to the story he was looking for, we still have no clue what it was about. I'm too curious for that kind of thing. I want to know why something can be so sacred that no others can read it. And I want to know now! *in my best Violet whine*