The most cliched sci-fi story ever


Lady of Autumn
Oct 26, 2006
Lincolnshire, UK
I hope that Ice Monkey will forgive me for modifying the idea somewhat, but since we had a fantasy story as part of a collective creativity exercise, I wondered: Why not have a sci-fi version?

Same rules as the fantasy story, then. Post a paragraph or two of a continuing sci-fi story, with one condition - you have to use at least one cliche per post!
So I'll start, and we'll see how it goes.

In a galaxy far, far away, a young man lay back on the grass near his home and looked up at the stars. One day, he thought, I'll get to see the stars close up! He knew all of the constellations by heart, and he picked them out one by one; the archer, the wolf, and the dragon, and...What was that? A star was falling!
Why not have a sci-fi version?

Indeed- why not!

The star burned brighter and brighter, flaming red as it got larger and larger. It streaked across the heavens and the young boy began to worry as it appeared to be heading directly for him. Suddenly the burning star winked out and in its place a fiery red craft bore down towards the lad with a trail of black smoke in its wake.
He threw himself on the ground as the craft landed close by. Peeping through the bushes, he watched, as a hatch slowly started to open in the side of the ship, and a ramp extended itself toward the ground.
They wore sleek conical helmets that burned brightly like burnished metal in the suns' light. Their seamless uniforms fit snuggly over their slender, ridged bodies and they appeared to be wearing no protection on their tripod shaped feet. They were as tall as an average sized man, but their grayish skin and slightly disproportionate, low-hanging arms were like nothing he'd ever seen before.

Oh no, he thought, they're heading this way.
He watched in total disbelief as one of the aliens walked on tripod-like feet over to him. It stood there for a moment, regarding him intently, and the young man couldn't help but wonder what would happen next.

Eventually, the alien spoke. "Take me to your leader," it said in a metallic sounding voice.
"What? Are you kidding?" He laughed, despite himself. "Do you know the kind of things you have to do before you get an audience with the President/Prime Minister!?" (Delete as applicable!)
"Do not waste time with idle threats, these earthlings are only good if they are assimilated into the collective!"
"Acquire him now and we shall conquer this green world"
The young man's eyes went wide. "You'll have to catch me first!" he cried, before turning to run. He ran all the way to the city and got on a bus, hoping to lose himself in the crowd at the shopping centre.
The alien made an exasperated noise and pressed a button on the wristband it wore. "Find him!" it grated, as a door opened in the side of the spacecraft, "and whilst you're at it, let's conquer this world."
A horde of boxlike robots began to clunk out of the ship, their red eyes glowing and, one booming step at a time, they started down the ramp.
He was only minutes away, on the bus, to the next D-4 high communications device. If he could just get there, then he could post a QLR2 to the authorities. Then he would be safe. But he knew that the aliens had to be tracing his actions. He had heard stories of such encounters, but they had been played off in the Main Podcasts as delusions and fakeries. Yet here he was, and it was happening to him. It was real, so real that he felt sweat and fear filling every part of his body. He could see now that Main Podacsts were an underground alien tracking device, meant to ferret out information about aliens.
The bus was taking forever. Would he make it to the next D-4 high communications device on time?
The young man sat there, his heart leaping like wildfire. The driver turned and faced him. He had a blank expression on his face, and when he spoke it was with the cold, stolid voice of the alien:

"You cannot escape, earthling."

The young man ran to the door of the bus as the driver swiveled to the right, hurtling all the passengers towards the left half. They all fell with a thud, screaming, then unconscious.

He tried to jump out. He couldn't. The bus was moving too fast, the ground to blurry to be trusted. He turned to the driver, pulling something out of his pocket. He didn't want to, but he had no choice, now did he...?
"Why do you want me so badly?" the young man gasped, flicking open the penknife he had taken from his pocket.

"Not just you," the bus driver replied in the alien's voice. "All of you. All the humans."

Suddenly, a burst of gunfire shattered the windscreen, sending bits of glass flying everywhere. The young man dove to the chewing gum strewn floor of the bus, but the alien-possessed driver ignored it. What he couldn't ignore, however, was the figure standing in the middle of the road, dressed in unbelievably futuristic looking clothing. The young man craned his neck to see who this unlikely saviour was.

"You again?" the alien said, putting his borrowed foot down on the brake pedal and skidding the bus to a halt, just inches away from the stranger.
The man pulled from his pocket a folding device and spoke urgently into it, "Scotty put the main phasor banks on the bus headlights! Let's melt this alien infested bus back to the Dark Ages!!"

Then the man in the futuristic clothing paused to look around slowly, only realizing just in time, that a tall alien was about to club him to the ground.
"Gratuitous death to the unnecessary extra" shrieked the tall alien through his handily placed Alien/English communicator which, despite automatically understanding and translating thirty thousand languages (including Bocchi), still made the wearer sound like a six year old screaming into a tin bucket.

The man in futuristic clothing fell to the ground, stone dead from the blow which luckily left no mark, bruise or visible bloodstain. Had he died after the 9 p.m. watershed, the sight might have been very different. The young man's skin prickled at the thought.

"And now it is your turn, puny earthling."

The tall alien jumped onto the bus, muscular hands reaching for his bejewelled Krytnek space-axe. The driver looked on impassively.....
The man now lost in thought worrying for his life new he had only one chance and took it. he leaped over the bus seats straight to the back, he smashed the back window with a kick and jumped out onto the cold streets.. "over here" he heard and looked towards the alleyway...
The men waiting for him in the alleyway wore white coats, as if they were all scientists, and they were beckoning him toward them. Realizing that he didn't really have a choice, he headed for the scientists and grabbed one of them by the collar.

"Hey, do you know what those things are?" he cried, dragging the scientist closer.

"We do," one of them replied calmly. "In fact, that's why we're here."

"Then what are you going to do about it?" the young man demanded.

"Watch," the man in the white coat said, standing aside to reveal a large metal case. "We hope that what is in this case can defeat these beings. It's our lifetime's work, and it just might work."
"and what if it doesnt do you have any other ideas"
the scientist looked at him blankely for a moment then said "if it doesnt we run"
"great thats the best plan you have these beings are dangerouse they must be stopped"
"Well, we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?" the scientist replied, taking a small key from his white lab coat pocket and unlocking the case. From inside the moulded plastic interior he took what looked like a laser rifle from one of the sci-fi shows that aired on all the major tv networks.

The young man looked at the scientists with a distinctly unimpressed look on his face. "And just what the heck is that thing supposed to do?" he inquired sarcastically.

"As I said, wait and see," the scientist said, raising the weapon and aiming it at the alien on the bus.
the alien was staring straight at the scientist, the scientist aimed the laser and fired a stream of red light came from the end of laser and headed straight for it. but just before the laser reached the alien it disapered into thin air
"what the f***" the man said....
"Sorry, Ern," muttered the shortest of the scientists, a small, bespectacled fellow wearing a paisley bow tie. "I hooked the power pack up to the toaster before we came out. A fuse had blown on the plug. I must've forgot to recharge it before we came out."

"The toast was nice, though," added the tall, gangly, bespectacled scientist with three pens sticking out of his top pocket.

"Omigod!!" shrieked Ern. "It's coming right for us!"

"Don't worry" cried Bow Tie as the shadow of the alien fell over them all - "geeky, unattractive scientists never get slaughtere...AIEEEEEEEEEEEE"

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