couldn't have said it better myself Dexter. I have been pleasantly suprised by Narnia and most of the LoTR to movies. most other "to movie" setups have a director who has his own story to sell, and gee adding the name of a FAMOUS work will get the droves in to see it. (grrrr)
okay, started on Pern, loved it. I think Anne was pressured to tell Robintons story though, like Moreta, and some addition through Nerilka, the stories just didn't match up to any of her other works in style, or characters. dolphins of pern skirted the same issues, but ended up being a good read despite the characters not matching up to their previous developments (Jayge and Aramina especially) Pegasus series, and the later works of Rowan Damia, Damia's Children, Lyons pride and Tower and the Hive, were all decent stories, theough to ride pegasus were more a collection of shorts to build up the world a bit. Is it me, or is there a lightness of readers for The Crystal singer stories?
quiet chuckle, ran across a BUlkliten board years ago that had a SF discussion ofrum, and had someone ask which story had a young female charcter in love with an old (or at least signifigantly older) man. ... now that I think further on it it seems they ALL had that setup. Tirla and Sascha in Pegasus, Menolly and Robinton (also sebell, but much closer ages there) Damia and Afra, Killashandra and Lanzecki, and the one they swore was the only one at the time of Sassinak and her tutor kinda person (haven't read sassinak in years, but recall some of it.)
anyways, pern was great, at least when she was allowed to write what she wanted, pressure to fill in a story resulted in some pretty icky tales, the Talent stories were decent, Loved Killashandra's stories, wasn't as impressed by doona, freedom, Ireta, or the planet pirates stories. the ships who sang was good, and a few others in the ship/city world, but mixed bag there.
okay, enough for now, rambling and getting long winded.