i have a theory that Justin Timberlake's record company keeps silent about his real name: Melvin Prlwitzkovski
The real Justin Timberlake died in a motor cycle accident on his way to try and stop Britney's wedding. The accident involved a bus and some Simon and Garfunkel music, but no one knows if the music was coming from the bus or not.
Mervin Prlwitzkovski is, as some of you already know, the (then) youngster who was severely crippled during the filming of one Mickey Mouse Club routine in which an igloo set with (Goofy and Donald fishing in full inuit regalia) collapsed and the steel support scaffolding fell on the hapless Mervin. JT was actually a ringer who took over from him for three weeks in order to avoid the scandal and inevitable safety questions, before Mr Timberlake emerged from the shadows as an entertainer in his own write.
Following JT's own accident, Todd Shea of Attica, N.M., was recruited to play the remaining gigs on his tour but he, too, fell foul of a terrible accident involving an ice-cream truck and some traffic cones. The ice-cream/cone incident left Todd with frostbite and a toe had to be amputated, making his dance style more like Justin's in some respects, but far better in others. However, it was the cone that jammed in his ear that put 'paid' to the scam.
Since then, Justin Timberlake has been impersonated by Paul McCartney (July 27th, 05), small-time entertainer Jarrod Fawlkes (November 05 - July 06 - Jarrod was assassinated in mistake for President GW Bush in another conspiracy theory), Erich Walsberg III (Aug 06 - Dec 06 - lost while sailing in the North Sea) and Freddy Starr (Jan 07 - present).
The poor luck surrounding the Justin Timberlake Franchise was further exacerbated when rumours of a reunion between whoever is playing him at the time and Britney Spears (AKA Billy Shears) hit the newswires last week.
This information is culled from articles appearing in Newsweek, Time and Hello magazinem, one of which may have featured someone who might have looked like the man we think of as Justin Timberlake.