I am yet to read any Terry Pratchett. Should I be shot?

I am yet to read any Terry Pratchett. Should I be shot?

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The beginning is usually nice... :rolleyes:

The Colour of Magic.
Then The Light Fantastic.

Just thought I should mention that whilst this is a good place to start there are better books to come in the Discworld series as he is still 'getting into' the idea of the world. I agree with reading them in order as much as possible, it helps with some of the latter books. Just wait till you reach Reaperman and Mort.
OK Chris, as a pedantic traffic signal engineer :p-

The aspects are in a standard order to allow for possible colour blindness.


Perhaps you haven't noticed this yet....;)

This helps people with deuteranopia (red/green colour blindness) like myself .

It would have been more suitable to discuss electrical engineering where problems could be just as severe.:D
OK Chris, as a pedantic traffic signal engineer :p-

The aspects are in a standard order to allow for possible colour blindness.


Perhaps you haven't noticed this yet....;)

This helps people with deuteranopia (red/green colour blindness) like myself .

It would have been more suitable to discuss electrical engineering where problems could be just as severe.:D

I have a very good friend since university days (and that's a long time) who is daltonian (French term for red/green colour blindness – I wondr who "Dalton" was?), drives a car and is still alive, and builds electronic circuits professionally. When resistors arrive, he is very careful into which drawer they are placed.
And, while he reads a fair amount of SF and some fantasy, he does not appreciate the discworld series.
I, on the other hand, can't drive, so wait for the little green "walk" man in the traffic lights, pile resistors near randomly and sort them later, and am fully up to date with my Pratchett reading.
Which demonstrates absolutely nothing.
I have a very good friend since university days (and that's a long time) who is daltonian (French term for red/green colour blindness – I wondr who "Dalton" was?)

John Dalton was the first scientist to research color blindness, in 18th century England. He was also one of the first proponents of the Atomic Theory. He was a daltonic (or a daltonian) himself, and so was his son.

chrispenycate: you can't drive? Is that out of choice of is there something that prevents you from driving? Since I live in a city where if you can't drive, you're somewhat stranded, I find it very intriguing whenever I meet anyone who can't drive.
I voted no.

I read my first Discworld book (well, 3 in 1 really, got the City Watch Trilogy, lovely hardback, the sort you could maim a burglar with) very recently. I quite liked it, but the lack of chapters threw me off a bit. Now, if you hadn't read any of A Song of Fire and Ice then you should most definitely be shot. Out of a cannon, into France. That'd teach you.

Edited bit: just read the Dalton comment above. Semi-relevent (relevant? I always get that confused) is that the ancient Athenians actually worked out there must be an irreduceable particle of matter (ie an atom) about 24 centuries ago. Clever chaps, the ancient Greeks.
I voted "Possibly", for there is something to be said for mercy killing in the circumstances.

However, all is not lost. I recommend therapy in the form of intensive Pratchett Intake, beginning with a homeopathic dose of Wyrd Sisters, followed by Witches Abroad, Lords and Ladies, Maskerade... once stabilised, proceed with the rest of the Discworld series at an individual but regular rhythm.

If you incline to the more obviously satirical/hilarious, you could not do better than Soul Music and Moving Pictures (Rock 'n Roll and Hollywood respectively).

Oh heck, read anything by Pratchett - you don't want, as the Fench say, to "mourir idiot"!
Possibly. Yes, if you're not going to any time soon. No, because it took me 23 years to start...
I have not read any Pratchett either! :eek:

But I have played the first two Discworld games, so perhaps just a whack on the head with a baseball bat for me! :D

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