Fahrenheit 451 Challenge

I'd probly pick Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein..... for the children. Most is picking classics, I'll take up a childrens book for the sake of getting the next generations involved in literature.

I think I'd go for a children's book, too. Maybe The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Or the Narnia series - that would be easy as I probably know them almost off by heart anyway (fave books as a child).
ah, so hard to chose...
i would go for the Belgariad by David Eddings or maybe Havenstar by Glenda Larke, amazing debut novel. but then what about something from Tamora Pierce she does great kids books.
arrg, this is too hard!:eek:
This is even worse than the traditional "what five books would you take if you were going to be shipwrecked on a desert island" question!

Someone already has Jonathan Livingston Seagull, so Illusions would be good to have with it. Those are the two books I have given away the most, over the years.

If I had to grab just one book on the way out of a burning house, well...I'd undoubtedly die in the fire, trying to decide, but I would probably choose Time Enough for Love or To Sail Beyond the Sunset, but of all the Heinleins, the best to memorize as important to the future would be Stranger in a Strange Land.
Tough choice. Perhaps Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey because that would be a rare choice, but also mark a book that was influential upon me and should be passed on to the future.
Wow, this thread made me kind of ashamed I've never wondered about this. Witold Gombrowicz Trans-Atlantyk,I think.
It makes me think of the ending of 'The Book of Eli' but I don't want to go into details in case I spoil it for someone.

Let's just say if you've watched it you'll get the reference
The Iliad or Frankenstein, or The Damned Human Race or Mysterious Stranger fragments of Mark Twain since they are short and I could memorize them much easier.

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