Level 30 Geek Master
I read several short stories, but my first sci-fi novel was Ringworld. Didn't read another 'til I discovered Asimov.
II read a number science fiction novels after Dandelion Wine and Destination Universe anthology , at that time I was at best, an indifferent reader. My reading didn't kick into overdrive until I found Robert E Howard Conan Stories and an anthology Stalking the Nightmare by Harlan Ellison .
I was reading everything Poe wrote. And trying to write in his style (won a prize for that). Then I found A. Christie. Niven turned me off Sci-Fi for a long while, but I love it now!
Actually I hated the Conan series... but maybe cause I'd just read Slavelords (?) of Gor, and I was a young teenager, and Conan didn't have all that much sex in it...
I can remember the book well, @BAYLOR. Its only redeeming quality was the titillation a young teen boy got out of it.
I started reading the Conan novels after the firs Schwarzenneger movie. Definitely better.
Did you read Howard s Conan stories or one the pastiches written by Jordan or one of the the writers?
They were Howard's. Never read one of them thar forgeries.
Yes, now I remember. It was a short story collection.
I also think I did read a novel by someone else... Conan was made a Pirate Ship Captain as he made his way to (somewhere?).
Hmmm... sounds very familiar. So many novels read, can't keep 'em all straight in my head.
Robert E Howard was a very good writer who knew how to spin a great story . John Norman is not even in the same league as Howard. I read one Gor book and that killled any desire to read anything else by Norman. I think they did a live action Gor film back in the 70's.
I just found his book Kelly Country in used bookshop .