Need name suggestion for a Winged Human(oid) race


The Silent Minstrel
Sep 20, 2007
Hello I am new here, and this is my first post.

I am working on a Fantasy novel, which focus on a Winged Human race. However I can't think a good name for the race...

In my story setting those winged human are descendant of angels, so the name "angel" cannot be used on them. (Unlike the 'True angel', they are mortal, just like human or elves or dwarves or whatever.)

Besides that, harpies is already in my novel as a different race, so I can't name them "harpy" either...they also don't look like harpy anyway.

The only name close enought that I found are Avariel (from Dungeon and Dragon, but they are elves.) and Arteias (from Lineage, a korean-made MMORPG Game), and I don't think I can use those names.

Anyone can give me a suggestion?
Not sure if you mind Latin stuff, but I just checked my dictionary and the following's listed:
praepes (bird of omen)

Hope you don't consider the old "Steal it from Latin" trick a bit cheap, but maybe if you do then you could cut and paste various bits of words to come up with something you prefer.
Thanks a lot. Actually I like those name very much, especially avis and volucris. (Since the "True" angels in my setting are based on roman catholic angels, I would like their descendant to have a name of Latin/Italian origin. Even Greek will do.)

Anyway, further suggestions are welcomed.
Dem dam boids

More seriously

For some reason, I couldn't get the word Aquila out of my head, but that's the Latin for eagle and I'm not sure about relevance (other than wings, of course). Another word (well, a portmanteau word at best) that started floating around my mind when I read this thread was Seraphkin.

I'll keep thinking.
When they still existed, I just called mine Avians. Pretty lazy, I suppose, but I was never sure they were going to stay in my world.
I like Seraphkin, but when I'm trying to come up with a name I use an online translator, you can find them for free, and while the translation isn't very sophisticated you can find some really interesting words in another language. I use this method for important character names that I want to mean something and so that I'm not just making words up, it keeps me grounded and away from words like Thcklrth.
Finnish in particular, I think, sounds interesting.

My winged people I just called angels, but they have a specific role in my story that is realted to angels. (Is it angels or angles? gah, trigonometry)
Garuda would be a good name; note, though, that China Miévill borrowed it for his Bas Lag books. And then there's the main airline of Indonesia; and, according to Wiki, a Thai film....
PTERIS (Greek for wings)

PTERAVIENS (Greec+Latin)

AILINS (from French aile that's wing)

ALATI (from Spanish ala= wing)


For some reason, I couldn't get the word Aquila out of my head, but that's the Latin for eagle and I'm not sure about relevance (other than wings, of course). Another word (well, a portmanteau word at best) that started floating around my mind when I read this thread was Seraphkin.

I'll keep thinking.

Wow, Seraphkin is actually a good name. I will seriously consider this.

When they still existed, I just called mine Avians. Pretty lazy, I suppose, but I was never sure they were going to stay in my world.

Avians was floatingin my mind for sometime already...and I don't even know its meaning. Do you mind give me the actual meaning?

Garuda would be a good name; note, though, that China Miévill borrowed it for his Bas Lag books. And then there's the main airline of Indonesia; and, according to Wiki, a Thai film....

Garuda...uh, the first thing come to my mind when I see this is some monstrous, evil bird from Thai.....but it is a good name nevertheless. Maybe I will use the name for some evil winged character in my story.


Aviar is similar to Avian , I guess. What does Valkan mean?

By the way, can someone think a name not related to "bird", "wing", or "Flying"? i.e. The winged race are the decendant of Angel, so what is decendant in Latin/Italian/Greek/Hebrew?

Or, any term related to "Children of wind", "Children of Light", "Children of Fire", etc, or something like that?
Avians was floatingin my mind for sometime already...and I don't even know its meaning. Do you mind give me the actual meaning?

Avian is an English word (from the Latin root avis = bird) meaning 'of or relating to birds'. I suppose therefore, in English, Avians are 'birds or things related to birds'.

I was using it in the sense 'bird men', for creatures that looked like what we call angels.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Nephilim from the Bible, reputed to be the children of angels and human women:

Genesis 6
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

Various SF and Fantasy writers have already interpreted the legend in different ways, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for another interpretation.
I, for one, knew nothing of them (despite my name), but thanks for drawing my attention to it. :)

*goes off eagerly to learn more about the Nephilim*
Nephilim, well,are half-angel half human. I believe they are called "Giants" in the more common version of the Bible...they are completely wiped out during the great flood at Noah's era...well, everything outside the Ark got wiped out.
Nephilim, well,are half-angel half human. I believe they are called "Giants" in the more common version of the Bible...they are completely wiped out during the great flood at Noah's era...well, everything outside the Ark got wiped out.

Because they couldn't fly, could they?
Nephilim...they are completely wiped out during the great flood at Noah's era.

There are different interpretations on that. But either way, there is no reason why you couldn't use or adapt their name.

Or for that matter, the name of any of the heirarchies of angels (someone mentioned Seraphkin, which has a nice sound), or the names of any of the individual angels. Books on Talismanic Magic are full of the names of obscure angels.
If I were you I would avoid the sources all the other fantasy writers use. Try looking up foreign words for "birds" or "wings". The Spanish "alados", for instance. Or the French aile or oiseau. (Note the word aileron came from that, not Latin) The german Flugel or luft are interesting.

Or just spring for a name of your own. If a people have wings, do they consider so weird they call themselves after somebody else's word for it?
Well as a forum member I might as well help out so the Law of attraction attracts more people to help me..... ha ha

ok.... These winged people are descendants of the Catholic Angels right? So I think you might want to develop this further....

Origins. They are descendents of the angels but in detail like say a fallen angel.....blah blah blah
What makes them unique apart from their looks? Culture? Beliefs

I hope I have given you some food for thought.

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