Need name suggestion for a Winged Human(oid) race

following on from Lin's suggestion how about Luftkind. That would be kinned rather than kind, as in kinder (eastern european again) Although to my mind when obviously germanic words are used that conjures up generic stiff-necked military types.

Something you might like to consider when choosing a name, oft times a name will give an unwanted picture in your readers' mind.
If yo add an "i" to one of Strife's suggestions, you'd have the Aliari - the Soaring Ones, and that would tie in with your neo-classical sounding names...
The Nephilim have intrigued me for years. I sought out and read the Books of Enoch as well as some other pieces of literature that described them in detail. It's an interesting concept, using the idea of a hybrid angelic race as the basis for a winged species, and I would definitely suggest giving it some thought as well.
Well as a forum member I might as well help out so the Law of attraction attracts more people to help me..... ha ha

ok.... These winged people are descendants of the Catholic Angels right? So I think you might want to develop this further....

Origins. They are descendents of the angels but in detail like say a fallen angel.....blah blah blah
What makes them unique apart from their looks? Culture? Beliefs

I hope I have given you some food for thought.

In my setting the winged being are "angel that given up their power and immortallity to gain free will" , they are not fallen angel tho.

However this was long forgotten (by them), and now they simply know they are the decetndant of angel, without knowing why. They worshipped the "true angel" as god.
kon was the great winged god of the pagan under world scripts were found early this year recording the festivals of him and his minions thes were known as konmaims so maybe a close name to this

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