I didn't start reading WoT until I was in college and book 11 was almost out already, and so I don't have any of the pent up frustrations long-time readers of the series have. That said, I love the whole series. I have always been a fan of books with "wheels within wheels" plots (ever since I fell in love with Dune), and so WoT has always held a special place in mind. I have read book 10 probably 5 times and book 11 close to 10 times (cover to cover mind you) and have read the whole series back to back twice. The first several books have an air of adventure about them, and they are more exciting (I will give everyone that). But where many people see a dragging adventure plot line in the later books; I see an expanding political intrigue plot line. There are so many factions doing so many different things that the only thing that has kept Rand, Perrin, and Mat alive is the fact that they are T'aver'en (Sp?) and thus have strange "coincidences" pop up around them all the time.
I find all the tiny details fascinating; being able to see a complete picture of the world creates wonderful imagery in my mind's eye, and when potentially any little detail can turn out to be a "chekov's gun" or piece of foreshadowing 3 books later I was not so readily lost for urgency in my reading. In sum, I am quite content with the quality of all the books.