Watership Down, Opinions?

Oh the memories! I first read it... er, had it read to me when I was 10 on a month long camping trip with my aunt and cusins. At that young age I was amazed at the darkness there is in it, but also the hope. I think it is a briliant book, and a classic, because, come on, he made cute little rabbits into adventurers facing the dark hardness of life!

And I've been wanting to read Shardik simply because of it's reference in the Dark Tower series.
I read it when I was about 14 and loved it. I found it easy enough to read, although I doubt I understood all of the language. I think it's a very good story, and would like to re-read it sometime soon. (I should really finish the books I'm reading at the moment first.)
Plague Dogs is worth a read too; not as good IMHO as Watership Down but still a novel with some powerful moments.

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