Your Favorite Fantasy Book(s)

Some favorite fantasy books and series...

Weaveworld by Clive Barker
The Black Jewels trilogy by Anne Bishop
The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Kushiel's Legacy sereis by Jacqueline Carey
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susannah Clarke
Litte, Big by John Crowley
The Little Country and The Onion Girl, both by Charles de Lint
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
Tawny Man trilogy by Robin Hobb
Fanuilh series by Daniel Hood
The Fox Woman by Kij Johnson
The Talisman by Stephen King and Peter Straub
Red as Blood and the Paradys series, both by Tanith Lee
Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister and Wicked, both by Gregory Maguire
The Sevenwaters Trilogy by Juliet Marillier
A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin
Elric series by Michael Moorcock
Gormenghast trilogy by Mervyn Peake
Small Gods and Wyrd Sisters, both by Terry Pratchett
Mask of the Sorcerer by Darrell Schweitzer
Merlin series by Mary Stewart
Haha is that a good thing ? :p

Sorry man but that made me laugh, now i have to know what did that to you!

you have to man I promise it's worth it, the first book can be hard to read, I didn't think it was but a lot of people do.

the second book at the end you have to be a hard man not to have a lump in your throat but if you don't have a cry at the end of book three you have no soul.

1st book is called gardens of the moon, there is also a Steven Erikson area on the network.
Hmmm. Naming my favorite fantasy books might get a tad lengthy, especially depending on the definition of "fantasy".....:rolleyes:

However, for those that come right off the top of my head:

I recognise and agree with a lot on that list! Especially:

J. R. R. Tolkien:

The Lord of the Rings
The Silmarillion

James Branch Cabell:

Figures of Earth
Something About Eve

Michael Moorcock:

Stormbringer (the whole Elric series)

Mervyn Peake:

Titus Groan
Titus Alone

R. A. MacAvoy:

Tea with the Black Dragon (and the sequel, Twisting the Rope)

And I would add:

Sprague de Camp

Enchanter series

Tanith Lee


Guy Gavriel Kay


Katherine Kurtz

Deryni trilogy

Anne McCaffrey

Dragonflight (+ the first two sequels - only)

Roger Zelazny

Amber series (the first five)

Sheri Tepper

Marianne trilogy

Richard Monaco

Grail War series (the best ever take on the Arthurian legend)

Christopher Fowler


Neil Gaiman


Greg Bear

Infinity Concerto and The Serpent Mage,

Paul Stoddart

The High House and The False House.

The greatest fantasy writer ever - Poal Anderson. "The Broken Sword" is the best of his.
Ummm, I think you mean "Poul" Anderson...

I'm not sure I'd say it's the best technically... but emotionally, it may well be. It's certainly an intense book, and about as bleak and tragic as one can get. Damned good book, that one. Hrolf Kraki's Saga is also quite good; The Merman's Children is more technically polished, quieter in effect, but also well worth reading. He also has some excellent fantasy short stories and other novels which blend sf and fantasy -- many of which are worth a look.
Terry Pratchett
Diggers, Truckers and wings, the carpet people,

David Eddings
pawn of prophecy, queen of socery, magicians gambit, enchanter's end game. The Diamond throne, The ruby knight and The sapphire rose.

Raymond E Feist
Magician, Darkness at sethanon, shadow of a dark queen, rise of a merchant prince, rage of a demon king and shards of a broken crown. Talon of the silver hawk, exile's return.

Melanie Rawn
Sunrunner's Fire.
Surprising how my tastes have changed since I first posted in this thread.Erikson would be top of the list, Abercrombie would be in there somewhere. Hobb doesn't get a look in these days. Still read her books, but there are authors and series out there that for me are a lot better
Well here are some of my favorites:

The Second Sons trilogy Jennifer Fallon. I love how the main character uses his brains instead of magic to solve his problems.
Shannara series Terry Brooks
Sword of Truth series Terry Goodkind
Tyrants and Kings series John Marco
Winds of the Forelands series David Coe
Tawney,Liveship, and Farseer series Robin Hobb
Gentleman ******* series Scott Lynch
Heartstone trilogy Giles Carwyn and Todd Fahnestock
Sword of Shadows series J.V. Jones
Night Angel trilogy Brent Weeks
The Crown Conspiracy Michael J. Sullivan
Thorn and Bone series Greg Keyes
Codex Alera series Jim Butcher
The Kingkiller Chronicle series Patrick Rothfuss
The War With the Mein series David Durham
The Chathrand Voyage series Robert Redick

On the dark side-
Song of Ice and Fire series George R.R. Martin
The First Law series Joe Abercrombie
Quickening and Percheron series Fiona McIntosh
Rai-Kirah series Carol Berg
The Axis Trilogy by Sarah Douglass
The Wayfarer Redemption Trilogy BY Sara Douglass
Darkglass Mountain by Sarah Douglass

All the Malazanby Erikson

The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie

King Killer Chronicle By Patrick Rothfus

Fire of Heave Trilogy By Russell Kirkpatrick
Husk Trilogy By Russell Kirkpatrick
King Killer Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss (i can wait for wise man's fear :D)
The Magicians by Lev Grossman
Dark Tower Series by Stephen King
Old Kingdom Series by Garth Nix
Keys to the Kingdom series by Garth Nix
The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud
Inheritance Series by Christopher Paolini
Hello everyone. I wanting to start reading books from the fantasy genre and I was was wondering if everone would mind helpping me out. Besides the Lord of the Rings and Earthsea books, what are your favorite fantasy book or series. The kind of a book I would like to start with would have adventure, romance, wizards, elfs, and also would be part of a series. Also if it would help I'm 29. Thanks in advance.


Here are my favorite fantasy series:

  • Mercedes Lackey - Valdemar Series
  • Lois McMaster Bujold - Chalion Series
  • Kristine Katherine Rusch - Fey Series
  • Roger Zelazny - Amber Series
