Show us your... desktops.

Current desktop hero!

Not half as cool as Vertigo's. Or one-tenth as cool. Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, in case anyone is wondering.

Bother :( It is such a lovely picture of a misty autumn morning at a Water Mill!


  • The Watermill, Dorset.jpg
    The Watermill, Dorset.jpg
    73.7 KB · Views: 249
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Hi Hoopy :) I still drop in from time to time.

The background is irrelevant as soon as you look into his ey-ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!
Darn, missed this post. Nice to see you around, Joel.

I'm on Vista now and, ooh, shiny. And yeah, I'm a big Zelda geek. I have been wracking my brains trying to think of things I like for a new background. Do quite like this one, though.

Also liking the gadgets at the side. The little photo box is a slideshow, of my zombie pub crawl. Hilarious photos. Every. Single. One.

And yes, complete minimalist. Hate things on my desktop.

It's nice to see other people with clean desktops! :D

Only one thing I can say about mine:


What with Zelda and the Ocarina of Time being re-released on 3DS in new, detailed glory (WAAAANNNTTT!) there's a whole lot of new artwork grooving around the interwebz. Really like this one. The dragon isn't my favourite favourite boss to kick the ass of, but it's probably the prettiest. Lookit!


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