Night Watch


Immortalis Canis Lupus
Nov 9, 2007
Just started the second story part. But wanted to comment on the end of the first story part. Am I reading a book of tragedy? The boss himself just said that Anton was going to fall in love with the chick and live with her for awhile and then she was going to drift away from him. Nice tragedy? Or does it work out nicely(as if good endings were common)? Plus I couldn't help myself right now from reading the descrption of Day Watch and finding out it's about that witch chick and not Anton. Makes me not want to read that then. I thought the book was good so far, but tragedy is already starting to annoy me some with books. Atleast excessive tragedy. Guess I'll keep reading the start of this second story part till someone gives me some comments on the book.
Heh i had the same exact problem. I liked Anton so much that i wasnt so interested in reading the book when it is about the witch. Then in a gemmell forum people that have read it told me Anton still plays a part in Daywatch too.

Prolly the witch is only important at the start. Like Night Watch
the book maybe different episodes like a tv show.

I liked the tragedy cause it showed well how down in the ranking order Anton was in compared to the great Witch he liked. It worked for me cause the world was very bleak where The Dark and The Light side worked on the same way. The Light wasnt shining heroes just cause they worked on that side. The way the boss used Anton shows that.

I like that in Night Watch alot of the story is about Anton figuring out his role in the game.
Well if Anton still plays a big enough part in the second one I may read it then I guess. So then I guess then that the chick does drift away? Even though that's a spoiler to me, but doesn't really matter. Less tragedy in knowing perhaps. Though I'm guessing that's exactly what happends just as the boss said to Anton.
Well if Anton still plays a big enough part in the second one I may read it then I guess. So then I guess then that the chick does drift away? Even though that's a spoiler to me, but doesn't really matter. Less tragedy in knowing perhaps. Though I'm guessing that's exactly what happends just as the boss said to Anton.

I havent read Daywatch yet.

Read the start of it.

I dont think its about the same witch.

It was another one that i saw Anton's partners went after.

I hope it isnt too much of a spoiler.
The description said that Allis witch or whatever. That's the one from the roof and on the street with the warlock. Unless it's a different witch with the same name, but I don't think it is. I just meant the Svetlana chick drifting away from Anton like the boss said would happen, was just curious. Not sure if that happens in the end of Night Watch or not.
The description said that Allis witch or whatever. That's the one from the roof and on the street with the warlock. Unless it's a different witch with the same name, but I don't think it is. I just meant the Svetlana chick drifting away from Anton like the boss said would happen, was just curious. Not sure if that happens in the end of Night Watch or not.

There might be several witches in the book cause the first one i read wasnt Svetlana thats for sure.

Also seeing as how bleak the secret world is, i doubt Anton will have happy days with Svetlana.
Yeah, figures as much. Not like I expected the book to be romance oriented. Funny stuff at the moment though, Anton just switched bodies with Olga.
Damn...saw the thread, thought Pratchett, moved on.....:D
Sorry, should have said Sergei Lukyanenko also. Just didn't think there were many books named Night Watch.
lol Next time I'll include the author in the thread title, didn't think it would hurt much. Didn't plan for some long thread really, just was curious and wanted to spoil myself about a few things. Which so far leaves me probably not reading Day Watch, or taking a break after Night Watch and going on to other series, then going back to it.

Ah, I think I'll end up reading it anyways. I just did allot of spoiling by reading the descriptions of the three stories for Day Watch and seems that Anton and Svetlana are still main characters through it all.(If there were rules to reading books, doing what I did is probably one of the worst) Oh well, I always thought it didn't matter much anyways, knowing and reading are two different things if you ask me.

Edit Again:
I think the end justifies the means for me spoiling myself. I might not have read the next 2 books right away if I hadn't. But now I plan to. Of course still not a good idea to do, but it is just myself atleast. I try not to spoil others without warning, mainly discussing completed series in a thread that a person comes in that hasn't finished and gets spoilers.
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I read Twilight Watch a month or so ago, and it's the best of the lot :) Love these books though, even if the translation gives them a rather odd style - unique from anythign else I've read. The ending is a million different shades of awesome, too :D
Yeah, the books all sounded really good from the descritpions of the stories I read. It is a bit different from other books because it's translated. Not much though, it's still really good. Like I guess in russia saying someones first and last name when you talk to them is to show respect? Like Mr. or something. Atleast that's what Anton does when he talks to or about the boss. I'm sure I might recognize other things if I knew the differences between English and Russian. Doesn't bother me at all. If I'm lucky I'll get Day Watch and Twilight Watch in awhile since I'll be done with Night Watch soon.
I thought I should reply and say how good the series was. If only I didn't have to wait till the last book is translated. Lucky people who can read russian. But definitly a good series so far.
I was going to watch the Night Watch movie but it looks like it's completly different from the book. I thought if it was done after the book it would be interesting to see and all. But it sounded odd and seems to have its own thing thrown in and stuff. I think the Day Watch movie was even more different then its book aswell. Are they good enough to watch now that I've caught up to whats been translated to english so far for the books?
They're both excellent films, Day Watch possibly the best I've seen all year. It's generally a bit odd when you watch them because they don't follow exactly the same story as the books - they leave a lot out so that they can get decent detail on what they do cover.

But all in all, well worth watching:)
Wow, yeah, I'm half way through Night Watch and it's nothing like the book. This story in the movie is so far off the book it may aswell be something else. Anton killed his ex-wifes child or something? Never talked about anything weird like that in the book. A flashlight against the vampires instead of vodka? Not an alley where the vampires are but some bathroom? Olga didn't change that soon either or make such a gross mess of feathers and goo. Plus she had old army clothes on in the book or whatever I think. And Anton gave her some old clothes of his, not Kostya's mothers. I think I finally understand why people who read books and then watch movies made after them usually hate the movies. I always thought it was silly before I started reading books. And why would Gessar need to use his belt around Anton's and his head for him to see what he saw? And why would Gessar be so tired afterward. And he could certainly heal better then that cheap way too. And Anton didn't get hurt at all in the book but got stabbed over and over in the movie.
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I recommend reading the books first before watching the movies. The second movie has excellent special effects and shows what can be achieved without Hollywood's heavy hand.
Yeah, I read all the books first luckily. I finished Night Watch the movie. That was so far off from the book is was crazy. I hope no one watches it first then read the book, since the books are better. Felt like nothing barely happend and things were so different it didn't even matter. What the hell is with making Egor Anton's son? What kind of stupid crap is that? And they barely did anything with Svetlana. Anton acted like a nut job and then was about to leave and then she just starts talking like a nut job too, and then he leaves. They made Zabulon some sort of game playing freak too, atleast more so then he is. Nothing happends on the roof top like in the book, except for the basics barely.

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