Last night I dreamed Di Caprio told me I should go and see it.
Am I the only person who found The Dark Knight really irritating? It's just that they tried to bring fantasy into reality, and I felt they failed miserably... The first Batman film was totally rooted in Fantasy, the setting was dark and fantastic, and that lent a certain suspension of belief that allowed one to sit back and enjoy a great film.
The Dark Knight, however was rooted firmly in the here and now, and the only two fantastic figures were Batman and the Joker. Technology is now used openly and The Joker just rips tons of money off to achieve his aims. (And I wouldn't like to upset anyone, but I really don't think Heath Ledger deserved an Oscar for his 'acting' performance - it was so one-dimensional it was embarrassing.)
If you want fantasy, have fantasy - that way, explanations of how things work/happen can often be left to the imagination of the audience. But, I just got more and more irritated by the stupidity of Batman and the Police, who were so inept - in fantasy, that's acceptable, just move things along at a fast pace, and we don't notice - but once you've moved it into reality it smacks of laziness by the film makers.
And as for Morgan Freeman's character - "you're going to listen in on everyone's phone calls to save many innocent lives, then that's the last of our relationship" - AARGHHH!!! How stupid was that? How boring is human rights in a dark fantasy? I'm surprised he didn't leave him because he'd got himself imprisoned earlier, and was transgressing the human rights of the other prisoners that he picked fights with!
It was the mix of trying to bring it into our 'everyday' world and still have a superhero and a supervillain that failed to ignite anything except derision in me. Heath Ledger walking down the road as the hopsital blew up (he'd managed to smuggle tons of explosive in to just about every room, and nobody noticed!!) without a cop in sight made me want to leave the cinema. But I'd paid, so I stayed.
God, I feel better, now that I got that off my chest...