Boaz for Class President!!!
I agree (except with your slander against a great film like The Departed).
However, some scenes were distrubing nonetheless, especially for someone who can be described, as Han Solo once said: "I can imagine alot." Somehow, GRRM still keeps them coming back for more. I would like to know how HBO will adapt such scenes.
Oddly enough, I've taken most of the violence in stride because I'd read things like Clan of the Cave Bear and have read other things that were disturbing in fantasy novels. Somehow, the two things that bothered me the most was the death of Ned Stark and the Red Wedding. Most cultures still hold hospitality sacred. I was also shocked because I'd never read an author who had no problem killing off central characters. Once Ned died, I realized I'd better not get attached to anyone. Oh, and Cat's sister still breastfeeding her kid at 5 yrs old got to me too.
I've just finished AFfC and I did find the overuse of the C word a tad distasteful, especially when Arya, or should I say Cat uses it. I know it was to demonstrate the colourful wharf side vernacular but I just really hate that word
I can't remember Clan of the Cave Bear being that violent either
I think that a lot of the sex scenes written in ASOIAF are gratuitous, for example although I read the series a couple of years back I remember the dilemma of realistic vs gratuitous and I recall a part containing Cersei and a female courtier and that settled the argument for me.... gratuitous and unneccessary
I think there is a difference between gratuitous and not to your taste
I agree that it let us know more about Cersei and just how far she would go to get what she wants. She uses sex as a weapon to enthrall people and make them more biddable to her will. With that in mind I think GRRM has kept the sex scenes to the minimum he could in order to let us in on that side of her nature