Help! whats the protocol for fixing an error!?

not really..... I cant give away all of my book :cool:

I split up the magic into groups...
I cant really explain.... I might as well just tell you my whole story if I tell you this cause my story is based around this.
I just finished watching this mini series from tv thats supposed to be like the wizard of oz?
The Tin Man.... anybody here see it?

it was quite interesting and cool how they took the wizard of of oz and turned it into a scinece fiction type of story

it looked really cool.... until the story line twisted and didnt make sense at all. by the beginning of the third part I knew how it would end....
dont know why im posting this here....
oh come on... are you telling me that im the only one who doesnt blab about my book?

I have to take measurements to protect it right?
If I tell you the sotry you might just walk away and use my stuff... even if you dont use my story exactly you might take some of my ideas, so when I use them they wont look as amazing
I have to take measurements to protect it right?

Does that mean you've taped it? :D

But seriously, sham, this place is public; you should treat it as such.

(And there's no obligation on any poster to say what they'd rather not.)
Have you read Raymond E. Feist, Exile's Return? It features an ancient artifact that is man shaped and encased in armour, you could look at it as having the characteristics of a robot. This 'robot' comes to 'life' at various points in the book to protect those transporting it - even though the rest of the time it is just an inanimate object. It is finally discovered that a ring is used to control it but the person wearing the ring has no magical ability.

This is one example of an object which displays magical properties of its own before a source of magic is associated with it.
If I tell you the sotry you might just walk away and use my stuff... even if you dont use my story exactly you might take some of my ideas, so when I use them they wont look as amazing...
Two possibilities: one, that your idea is truly original, in which case, you'd better NOT tell us, and two, that it isn't that original but you don't know it yet, in which case we won't find it that amazing, and you will be rather upset when you find it out. Ever had the "hey, someone wrote my story!" experience when you're browsing the bookstore shelves?

I'm not even going to guess which it is. BUT, be aware that ideas are like an ocean, and there's a great big, unconscious sea of them underneath us all the time, and we're all drawing ideas out of it, often the same or very similar ideas, from the same source. And, you have every right to withold information about your story, but bear it mind that it becomes that much more difficult for us to help you in any capacity. Specificity and helpfulness go hand in hand. And if you came up with one really cool thing on your own, you can come up with more, right?

So then, it's time to brainstorm. IS the robot really a robot? Is it more of a hologram, solid to the touch but composed of energy? Is there a creature within it, even embedded into it, that holds the power, and not the robot itself? (Yes, like a genie, but also not- it could be a form of life alien to us, or a beetle or something with great longevity.)

With the information you've given us, I don't see how magic is involved with this at all. There are reasons one might NOT ditch a robot that's nothing special, from need to affection, much as how one has affection for their first junker car. The robot might have been "mothballed", or set in a warehouse for years until some need drives them to pull the antiques out and put them back into use (disasters can do strange things, and people often find they need those "fallbacks" when their newer, shinier, more efficient technology fails). Could also be that the robot was transformed and put into use as something else. Or that some old "magic chip" was put into service in the robot and people forgot what all it did.
Well, you've spoken about how you can't really let the robot be 'magical'. So what else could it be? Do you have religion in your story? Because you could have it so that the robot is blessed with the spirit of the machine god- or something simular anyway.

Also, what's to say that the robot didn't somehow come from the future? That would explain its magic capabilities- or just a higher state of advancement.

Thinking in terms of final fantasy (the game) as I don't have much knowledge of sci-fi. Could it be that your world was once a very technologicaly advanced place, then one day they ran out of power or something. Because of this, most of the technology that was once common place is now rare. Once these things break etc, they can't be replaced because no one can make them anymore... It could be one of the most advanced robots ever created, but the last of its kind etc.

Just a few ideas anyways. :)
Lord Rahl.... It is... too late my lord....your life...nay...the world rests in the hands of the Dark Evil doer that resides on mount ...Dhara....
you must leave....and find the emblem that will put a stop to this.... Go!! quickly! there is a man on the Riverside of xzylumenka, go to
(music plays and then theres some cut scene with the dark evil doer who is laughing cause hes watching all this happen through his magical glass sphere...)

ok I got carried away there... I like your name!.... well anyhow thanks for all the answers but i think i figured it out!! ...i hope....
I had two answers that I gave myself a few days ago, but back then I didnt really like them... now, since I have been working on notes on my magic, I changed something slightly and all of the sudden one of the answers seemed to make more sense....
I wouold still loce suggestions of course, but I think I'm ok... for now...
Heh, the name comes from a fantasy series called 'the sword of truth' by Terry Goodkind. It's a very well known series actually. :D
...well.... im stupid so I wouldnt know....
is it a good series? im guessing you will say yes....
well maybe I will go read it in my spare time
thanks bye...

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