The Golden Compass Controversy


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
Golden Compass Backlash...

If you fancy something amusing to read try this "warning" against The Golden Compass' alleged anti-Christian content. Some of the comments are very funny - although there are a lot of comments, and your eyes will probably start glaze about halfway down the page...

Oh, and if you think it's unfair (or even unChristian!) to scoff at these religious bigots, I'd just like to point out that not one of them has actually seen the film or read the book.
Re: Golden Compass Backlash...

Big woop. I'm a Christian and I love the books and hope to love the movies. Some people are just too "Ohh he said something that brushes along our belief in the wrong way. Lets down that person" I mean really its annoying.
Re: Golden Compass Backlash...

It amuses that they start frothing at the mouth without actually seeing the film itself and forming their own opinion. I know it says in the Bible that the meek shall inherit the earth, but does that mean they should all behave like sheep?
Re: Golden Compass Backlash...

I really have no idea at all. Maybe.
Re: Golden Compass Backlash...

I haven't read the books (or seen the film) but isn't it supposed to be quite anti-religious (or at least organised religion) in tone anyway? I seem to remember reading an interview where the author compares the church in the book with a sort of very overbearing an intolerant entity.If anything I read that the film's director toned it down for the first film. It gets much worse in the remaining two novels supposedly.
Re: Golden Compass Backlash...

I've read the books. They're very good. It's about a battle against God, yes, but only inasmuch as it's based on Milton's Paradise Lost. It doesn't encourage people to dance naked about henges, or sacrifice goats, or burn churches... It's a fantasy, heavily influenced by Milton's poem, but ultimately a thuoght-exercise in which the Kingdom of Heaven is replaced by a republic.
Re: Golden Compass Backlash...

I read the stage play (not the books, it's also not the script on which the motion picture was based) and kept thinking, "this isn't so anti-religion." Apperently, they toned it down to perform it. That said, I don't understand all these bashing all the time, if you don't agree, don't go see the movie or read the books. Why would people enjoy spoiling someone else's fun? Especially if don't even go experience it yourself. Something I'll never understand probably...
Re: Golden Compass Backlash...

Why would people enjoy spoiling someone else's fun? Especially if don't even go experience it yourself. Something I'll never understand probably...

I don't think it's about enjoyment. I think they feel obligated to bring the good word about the evil films...
Re: Golden Compass Backlash...

They're telling other people not to see it - but they're not saying that because they've seen it themselves but because they've been told not to see it themselves.
Re: Golden Compass Backlash...

I don't think it's about enjoyment. I think they feel obligated to bring the good word about the evil films...
Christianity (and other religions) believe they have a monopoly on the truth. And so they always feel obligated to inform me (for example) about the truth.
Re: Golden Compass Backlash...

Not very, er, Christian, is it? :)
Re: Golden Compass Backlash...

Man if I ever wrote a book that seemed anti-religious, I'd be telling new line cinema change the name of the movie from [title] to 'Screw religion and God ain't real'.

The less we hear of religion the better the world will be.

I have to laugh at those comments, I can't believe those sheep believe the crap they spew.
Re: Golden Compass Backlash...

That's a bit harsh, ain't it, Jaire? I think everyone should be believe whatever they want, I respect pretty much what they want to do. Is it so hard for them to respect my enjoyment when I want to watch "The Golden Compass" ?
Re: Golden Compass Backlash...

No it isn't harsh.

Religion is histories biggest monster. Just look at the Crusades and the current war on terror (killing in the name of Allah). Look at what happened to the Jews in World War II (and would it have happened if the term Jewish people never existed. Look at Palestine and Israel.

The list goes on.

No, those idiots need to wake up to reality.
Re: Golden Compass Backlash...

The way you put it now you're doing exactly the same. Do you have the monopoly on the truth?
Re: Golden Compass Backlash...

No it isn't harsh.

Religion is histories biggest monster. Just look at the Crusades and the current war on terror (killing in the name of Allah). Look at what happened to the Jews in World War II (and would it have happened if the term Jewish people never existed. Look at Palestine and Israel.

The list goes on.

No, those idiots need to wake up to reality.

I don't understand your argument there - the Jews were persecuted for their religion, and here you are persecuting people for their religion.

In any case, though we respect your right to an opinion, we'd prefer it if you expressed it in less inflammatory ways. Religion is a touchy subject, and tends to revert to flame wars rather quickly.
Re: Golden Compass Backlash...

A lot of terrorism is politically motivated - a study of Palestinian suicide bombers showed that most were acting out of patriotism. And Jews were being victimised long before the Nazi - such as these. Usury used to be a sin in Christianity (and still is in Islam), but Jews could lend money and charge interest to non-Jews... which is why they became money-lenders. It was as much their wealth and status which caused the early progroms as it was their religion or race.
Re: Golden Compass Backlash...

If Jews/christians/muslims etc were not jews/christians/muslims etc there would be none of what i mentioned above.

If they were catergorised as people and that is all, would Hitler have gathered up all Jewish people (he certainly wouldn't be gathering up 'people')? Would there be a pope to sanction the crusades? Would muslim fanatics kills in the name of Allah if there were no such thing as Allah?
Re: Golden Compass Backlash...

Hitler also put homosexuals, political prisoners and Romany in the death camps.
Re: Golden Compass Backlash...

Exactly, Ian. People are always going to find reasons to kill one another. Religion can be a bad thing, but it can also be a good thing. I don't think painting the whole scope of religious history as 'idiotic' is a particularly good argument, or going to solve anything.

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