Marvellous March Manuscripts? So what are you reading this month?

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Jul 29, 2005
Just starting Genius Loci, by Clarke Ashton Smith.....
Downbelow Station by C.J Cherryh

Have read 20-50 pages and she keeps impressing me. Really skilled with world building, i like with only 20 odd pages she build the history for many years.
Usually i dont care for big space opera epic about the things the book is about.

But so far it reminds me Battlestar Galactica the new great version. When i saw Norway carrier stuck with refugees heh. Its epicness and scale is making it impossible to put it down.

King's Dragon by Elliott is my side book. Im reading it but only when i can take a break from Cherryh.
Umm...I think that this really is one of those "must-be-read-in-order" ones, nixie...
Finished Deadhouse Gates last night (sorry Kaneda, the temptation was too much! :p), and just after midnight I made a start on Memories of Ice, and I'm looking forward to getting back with a lot of characters that weren't in DHG. :)
I'm reading Point of Dreams by Melissa Scott and Lisa A. Barnett.
Gormeghast but I wonder if I've made a mistake and should have waited till I got a copy of Titus Groan:confused:

As Pyan says, this really is a case; and yes, you'll miss an enormous lot reading them otherwise. In this case, it's a continuing story developed in three books. (As I recall, Peake had intended more, but his illness and death kept him from continuing what he'd envisioned; and we're just dared lucky to have what we do of this wonderful, complex, and more-than-slightly-bizarre work of his....)
Dolphins of PErn, while waiting impatiently for Under a Velvet Cloak to arrive
As I recall, Peake had intended more, but his illness and death kept him from continuing what he'd envisioned;
Yes, they were to be called Titus Awakes and Gormenghast Revisited, and would have spanned all of Titus's life, from birth to death: but, as j.d. says, Peake's life was sadly cut short first.
Finished Deadhouse Gates last night (sorry Kaneda, the temptation was too much! :p), and just after midnight I made a start on Memories of Ice, and I'm looking forward to getting back with a lot of characters that weren't in DHG. :)

That's only because you're a cheater :p:D

Still on Deadhouse Gates myself. Got myself a little bit confused with Kulp and his Warren :(
Sounds like an absorbing book K Riehl, who is the author?

Just got started on Ocean Sea by Allesandro Baricco
That's only because you're a cheater :p:D

Still on Deadhouse Gates myself. Got myself a little bit confused with Kulp and his Warren :(

Well, maybe a little. :rolleyes: Still took me a week to finish, compared to only a few days for GotM.

Kulp and the strage warren has to be one of my favourite parts of the book. So surreal.
I just finished Dorsai, by Gordon R. Dickerson. It's my first by him. It’s older era (1959), militaristic Sci-Fi. It had some decent moments, but it was pretty spotty overall. At least, it was short (236 pages).
How are you finding it now Culhwch?

Still going well. There are bits I like and bits I don't much care for, so the pace has been a little uneven. I'm having issues with Hairlock - every time he pops up I can't help but imagine Pinnochio from Shrek, voice and all...
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