I must say I have read about 10 of his novels (few of those are with Silverberg).
Funny that you mentioned Silverberg, because HE wrote about homosexuality.
I must say I have read about 10 of his novels (few of those are with Silverberg).
I thought I posted a entry / comment / whatever in this thread (Homosexuality) a few days ago, and am wondering if it got deleted / removed, as being unsuitable or annoying?
If so, I apologize for coming back, and won't post anything again until I know whether my entry did get removed or not.
Not only does he indeed feel warmly for Elijah but he is fully able (in every sense of the word) to carry out the appropriate act in order to consummate what is clearly a loving relationship between two sentient beings.
Thanks for response, Theresa. I get a bit paranoid in thinking that my (sometimes way-out) posts could be taken as 'offensive' - or just plain annoying.CatBar, your post disappeared into moderation, not because it was offensive but because of the partial URL -- your post count isn't high enough for you to post a link.
I've just approved it, and if you scroll back you will see it there in sequence.
Apologies for the inconvenience, but the software can't always tell the difference between real links and almost links.
quote]Well sorry I made some haste conclusions which were false and I opened this topic whiteout thinking. That's my problem and that's why I always have a hard time blending in in Internet forums because people seem to react on my posts and topics as they written by insane man