Alt.Fiction schedule

Gone and got me ticket.

When you're there, look out for a free newspaper-type-thing called The Speculator--it's my writing group's efforts in one handy collection. As we're Leicester's closest approximation to an official SFF writer's club, the whole thing's funded by the council.

Crazy, huh? A baloney factory powered by public funds.

See y'all there!
Got my ticket for Alt.fiction today; will be a bit of a drive down to Derby but hopefully worth it.

If there's a general plan for SFF meetup-ery, give me a poke, will be nice to put some faces to nam...pseudonyms. :p
Please do make yourselves known folks... They're keeping me fairly busy through the day, with a panel, a reading, and a signing event, but that won't stop me getting to the bar at some point! :D
mine is booked....if you see somebody thumping the QuickTicket machine it's more than likely me.

(you can't miss me: i look like my avatar, which is handy.)
Please do say hello to me - I'll be the one with the white mohecan and the rock boots. :)

Btw - any hotel recommendations?? Can't find a record of the one I stay at last time near the train station. Where is everyone staying, who is staying over?


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jurys inn looks near the Quad, but i'm wheeling down from sheff for the day.
Please do say hello to me - I'll be the one with the white mohecan and the rock boots. :)

Good Lord, Brian... One of these days I'll see you looking the same way twice! Will be good to catch up whatever you're wearing.

Re: hotels, I'm going to be chasing up the organiserrs tomorrow to find out which hotel they're putting us panelists up in (no one seems to have been told as yet and Ian Watson is also asking so he can book the same one). Once I know, I'll pass the info on.
I see from the posted schedule it starts at 10 a.m. this year. Looks like I'll be catching an earlier train then...
Following up on the hotel side of things, the 'Jury's Inn' is indeed the hotel which the panellists are staying at, but my understanding is that it's full up. There are, apparently, a few rooms still to be had in the 'Cathedral Quarter Hotel' and the 'Midland Hallmark'.

Hope that helps those looking.
Right, booked in for the Midland Derby by the train station. Think that's where people where last time? Looks like I'll be chasing taxis a bit, though. :)
If you see this guy wandering about with a leather satchel and a dopey look on his face, it's me. Probably without the hat, though, as I can't find it at the moment...
well, that was rather good fun! cheers to all involved - and it was excellent to meet SJAB, MGIR and Brian too!
Yep, was a good meeting (although I have none to compare it to, could've been terrible) although that lanky bald guy kept blowing his nose like a trumpet all the time...

Yes, a thoroughly enjoyable (if busy) day. Congrats to Alex, Paul, Marie, and all involved in organising the event. Loved the new venue, which worked particularly well.
That was the first convention I've been too where I pretty much sat in the bar for the whole thing, chatting to people. Every time I remembered there was something I really wanted to see, it had already been and gone.

Still, had a lovely time. And, yes, the venue was very good for this sort of thing.

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