Heads up, people. I've gone back and tallied the characters and their quotes. Remember we're missing ten weeks from the beginning of August to the middle of October.
Tyrion - 11
Jaime - 6
Baelish - 4
Sandor - 4
Bronn - 3
Brynden - 3
Cersei -3
Eddard - 3
Luwin - 3
Sansa - 3
Varys - 3
Aemon - 2
Arianne - 2
Arys - 2
Barristan - 2
Bonnifer Hasty - 2
Cotter Pyke - 2
Euron - 2
Jorah - 2
Mace - 2
Renly - 2
Stannis - 2
Oberyn - 2
Weese - 2
And with one each are Allard Seaworth, Ser Aliser, Amabel, Asha, the Black Gate, Brienne, Catelyn, Chett, Chyswyck, Craster, Cressen, Dagmer, Dany, Davos, Edric Storm, Ser Eustace, Gared, Gendry, Genna Frey nee Lannister, Hake, the first High Septon, Hodor, Hot Pie, Jhiqui, Jon, Jeor, Jeor's Raven, Karyl Vance, Kevan, Lollys, Lommy, Loras, Lyanna, Lysa, Marillion, Marq Piper, Marwyn, Meribald, Merret, Olenna, Lady Oakheart, Small Paul, Pod, Qhorin, Ramsay, Ser Rodrik, Shireen, a Stableboy, Syrio, Theon, Thoros, Tristifer Botley, Ser Triston, Tuffleberry, Tywin, Vargo, Lord Walder, and Wyman Manderly.
Also with one quote were Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy and Hugo "Hurley" Reyes... believe me, I could not have mad this up.
Now I did not count the times when characters shared the answer because I was not sure if I should credit them once or give them a half point. But this happened to Jaime and Catelyn twice while occuring once each to Sam, Clydas, Cortney Penrose, and Guyard Morrigen.
Another intresting fact is that four characters used the same quotes multiple times. Cotter Pyke threatend Jon in two posts, "If you muck this up, I'll..." Sansa told encouraged Cersei's guests in the Red Keep to be courageous... twice. Two times Varys warned people of the wrath "of a truly just man."
But Sandor takes the cake. He twice was quoted as telling Sansa, "Look at me." He also twice reprimanded a page bringing him water, "Bugger that. Bring me wine."