Continuing the alliteration Teresa I see! Good stuff.
Took a break from the Three Musketeers Series and made a start on The Conspirators - also by Alexandre Dumas Pere.
Haven't read any Sf/F in a while so ordering in the Dragonbone Chair &c.
I'm rereading the Sacred Hunt duology in preparation for starting the Hidden City. I'm enjoying the story so much, I may have to continue with a reread of all 6 Sunsword books .
just got Name of the Wind (Rothfuss) from the library, along with Feast of Souls by Celia Friedman. anyone got opinions on that latter one?
How are those two Dumas works ?
How do they compare to Monte Cristo ? I have read only it of him and its one of my favorit books of alltime.
That's a difficult judgment call, really. If you're a fan of Tolkien, and like his "high" tone in the latter part of LotR, then the style is likely to appeal. However, these are unfinished tales, so there's no actual resolution to the majority of them; they aren't "typical" reads. But they do include some of his best writing here and there, and are fascinating in their own way, allowing a very intense look into the development of Middle-earth and the thought of the man behind it....
Don't worry it is.
Now reading Joe Abercrombie's The Last Arguement of Kings. Very satisfied with it so far.