How many of you would be interested in...


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Jan 11, 2007
Learning to program in Visual Basic, and/or learning how to build websites with HTML, CSS and a bit of Javascript?

I ask because I'm toying with the idea of starting up some tutorial threads that I'll update weekly, that start with the basics of VB/Web Design, and get more advanced each week.

So if anyone is interested, please reply saying you're interested, and which one you'd be interested in (VB or Web Design, or both). If I get enough replies, I'll start something next week.
I have this mild feeling this is a futile hope, but some indication as to why I'm totally incapable of getting a web page to open, let alone links to other pages, URLs and credit cards.would be of great interest.
I'll note this down as two who are interested, then (one for web design, and the other for... both?).

Any one else? Come on, don't be shy. :p

Putting your name down doesn't mean you're committed - it's just so I can get a rough total of how many people might get involved.
I'd be interested in following the web design side of things. I just the other week went to a HTML basics course here at work, and I've been keen to take it further.
There might be a chance of me having a look at it. After all if it's a tutorial, rather than a class, one could have a look any time you want.:)
I needed to make an app for work (back in another life...) so I picked up some VB5. It went well enough. I still have a bit of interest but the need for results is no longer there.
I would read the tuts with a modicum of interest.

erm, what's visual basic?

i built my website, but that was with Dreamweaver and, if you look at it, you'll see there's nothing technical going on.
Visual Basic is a simple, third generation**, event-driven*** programming language.

A small snippet, for example:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Print "Hello World"
End Sub

All objects are put on a form, like bits of lego. When the program runs the code above, the text "Hello World" will be printed on the form when it loads.

It's considered a toy language by many, which it is, in effect, but it's also rather powerful, and it's a great way to learn how to program, for once you've learnt the syntax and rules of one language, all the others are much simpler (the rules are very similar because programming is a highly logical thing).


I build all my sites in Dreamweaver too! :D It's a great program.

The web design tutorials will probably focus on tables, links and basic HTML to start with, and eventually move on to more complex HTML, stylesheets (CSS), and Javascript. I might also throw in some ASP and PHP.

EDIT: Methinks I might be able to persuade a few of the other website builders, like Leisha, to share some things as well. Leisha, for example, builds website in Flash - something which I've not really tried.

**third-generation - a third generation programming language is a language that uses meaningful text. The first generation language is binary, which is made up of only 1's and 0's. Assembly Code is the second generation language. It's made up of mnemonic's (such as LD [load], and BGT [branch if greater than]) which relate directly to binary. The mnemonics make it easier to program. A third generation language uses proper text which relates to multiple lines of Assembly code (each line of assembly code relates to a single line of binary code).

***event-driven - a program that is controlled by sensor or user inputs, such as clicking the mouse or pressing a key. Each part of the program happens after a certain event, such as a form loading, or a button being pressed.
ok, so it sounds like visual basic would be good to know. web-wise, i've never done owt with Flash (aprt from stare at it stupidly). stylesheets are beyond me, and i stopped taking PHP when it began to give me headaches the size of mongolia.

definitely interested, methinks.
Although I don't play with VB and have sufficient (whatever that is) of HTML, CSS and Javascript, I'd be interested in ASP/PHP
*Bounds into thread waving hands madly*

Me too! Me too! I'd love to learn more languages/scripts and such - put me down for VB and possibly CSS. I think more the VB - far more uses for that.

Oh, and many thanks too Lenny :)
If I can pick up a bit of knowlege VB it may give a greater depth of me understanding things in general.:)
I tried learning this once before, but one 45min lesson a week was not enough time to really learn so I would very much be interested in following this Lenny!
I will read the thread(s) with interest, if and when it/they get(s) going.

I used to know basic HTML, like, ten years ago. I used to know how to do things in DOS, too.

It'd be nice to feel like I at least have a grip of the basics, again.
Lenny: what plans have you for allowing people to write and then run the VB programs.

Will they need to 'take the plunge' into 'obtaining' a VB compiler or have you a cunning plan?

likewise with all the other languages?
Don't worry your little head about it, TEIN, I have plans.

Namely Visual Basic 6 Portable (free, small, completely functional) on the VB side, and Nvu (free, small, completely functional, works on all platforms) on the Web Design side.

The only problem I can see arising is for those who use Macs/Linux and what to learn VB - I don't know what sort of tools are available for them.
Good stuff.

However I must take issue with the little head comment.

Marvin and I were separated at birth.

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