
Do they only release for rent when available for purchase? Did they used to release for rent well in advance of renting? I am so out of touch with the world... :-

Hope to see the film soon, though. May as well get it over and done with. ;)
Do they only release for rent when available for purchase?
Yeah - This is the case with most DVD's.

Did they used to release for rent well in advance of renting?
With VHS tapes - yes. This is still often the case too. When something is released to buy on DVD, its also often only a rental only title on video - then released to buy on VHS a few weeks later.

Video to rent at same time as dvd to buy.

Video to buy a few weeks later.
"Star Trek: Nemesis" is due for release to buy and rent from Monday 11th August. :)

This is the only NextGen film I haven't watched at Cinema, but that's what happens when you have kids. :S

I hear it a decent - but not a great film. I think I know what happens at the end, but I'll keep quiet. Either way, I'm hoping to gently enjoy the film - touted as the last for that crew.

I'll report back after Monday, when I've rented it out. :)
Well, I finally got around to watching this film and I was pleasantly surprised. I'd talked to people who had seen it and they slated it but, personally, I thought it was pretty good (not the best ST film but certainly nowhere near the worst). It's got a nice dark touch to it, and I found the character interaction between Picard and Shinzon quite intriguing. Simply put: If you like Star Trek, then watch this film....I think you'll enjoy it.
As a footnote: I tried to extract some specific reasons from those people who said to me that the film was terrible and they couldn't tell me why they disliked it so much. It made me wonder if there was a bit of Star Trek backlash in the winds...if so...maybe it's for the best if this is the last film. It'll be interesting to see what everybody else here thinks about it.
I rented it out yesterday and watched it last night. :)

*************Possible spoilers??**************​

For the most part I actually enjoyed it - though the first half hour or so seemed very sloppy in terms of scripting. How on earth did no one even mention "Law"??

But once the Enterprise actually reached Romulus everything much improved. I actually found myself feeling tense, enjoying the various levels of conflict (not to mention the actual conflict :) ), and liking small scripting touches that showed that the Enterprise crew were not dumb bimbos (the android switch when Picard is first on the Scimitar, for example).

But, having said that, "Star Trek: Nemesis" is really just a rehash of a number of features from earlier films - not to mention some LOTR thrown in for silver screen measure.

The whole story was essentially Khan revisited - especially the personal struggle and Spock elements in that - not to mention a little of Undiscovered Country and First Contact.

And the spearing scene was seen earlier in Fellowship of the Ring, with the Uruk-Hai leader that Aragorn decapitated after the death of Boromir - not to mention the whole ethos of the Romulans having terrible twins in the form of the Remans (this is the old chestnut of Sauron twisting Elves into Orcs - more so an imitation because of the Romulan appearance).

Another (little) thing was the lighting - although they obviously wanted moody and dark, we've grown up seeing good bright lighting on the Enterprise in general (certainly after the first season). Although that version was destroyed in "Generations", the contrast between the bridge on film and in the series is still a little disorientating - making them seem like two separate universes, rather than simply different ships.

I'm also expecting to see a special "extended release" - there were a couple of scenes that can only have been cut - the omission of all mention of Law for a start.

But, despite those niggles, so far it's possibly my favourite Next Gen film - so far, at least. I need to see "Generations" again, though.


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