(though Janny's full cover prints on the Harper Collins/Meisha Merlin books edge out the new cover theme, in my humble opinion).
Yes, Grim, I'd have to agree. I used to like the UK covers more (the old ones), but only because they were new to me. Now I definitely prefer the US edition covers (especially if the UK cover is inside as a frontispiece, or is on the back cover, etc.). However, the new covers are really nice too. Among the best covers in fantasy literature, are Janny's.
Ross, keep checking with amazon.co.uk. If there is a supply glich, it will likely be taken care of very shortly. Also, DON'T SKIP FUGITIVE PRINCE!!! You would be totally lost, and it sets up the whole of the third story arc (the following four novels). Pay particular attention to Fionn Areth's birth prophecy. Very, very important.