How Are You Doing?

Somehow I missed your inquiry, Jeremy. Probably because I use the New Posts function, and sometimes I lose pages if I take too long posting in a thread. But I could swear I had glanced over the threads in here since then ...

Anyway, the writing is going pretty well at the moment, I am feeling OK, and yes, the all the family is still in residence. Very much in residence. All the adult members of the household have projects going, some of which I would like to take part in, but I am concentrating so much on the book now.

And yesterday was my birthday. Megan made an awesome cake, and I was given much chocolate. Otherwise, I wrote.
Happy Birthday for yesterday, Teresa. Chocolate and cake - what could be finer?

Glad to hear you're feeling OK and the writing is going well.

Sorry I missed your birthday, Teresa. Had no idea it would be the day before mine!

The past couple years it had been slightly sad, because school started on August 26. I couldn't have my son with me on my birthday...

This year he didn't go to school until a couple days later. Was awesome.

I'm glad the writing is going well. Or was last month, anyway? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for more of The Rune of Unmaking.
Well, I had a Thanksgiving. We went to my daughter's mother-in-law's, so there was no stress about fixing the dinner or cleaning the house before or the dishes after. But I was ill and stressed about other matters, so I don't remember much about it. I believe that the people were nice and the dinner was good. I think I managed not to cough on anyone and pass on my cold that way, but I had some qualms afterwards about how many germs I might have left behind at the buffet table.

It was nice of you to ask, though.
I hope you had a great Christmas. Good luck and good wishes for the new year ahead!
