
LOL! Just thought I should stop by and say hi considering I'm "the friend" and have managed to join.

And yes, sffhound is very corrupting! On the plus side, that means that you have someone to blame! :D

Yes! Bring forth the DVDs! Rejoice in the fabulousness! Spread it to your friends! I would hate for the Buffy and Angel fans to be a dying breed.
Most of my collection is on VHS which is a bummer, i have a vast collection of the books too (real nerd:D) taped most of season 2 from skyone, even sat and paused all the ad's out, how sad am I:eek:

Those Fanvids are great, i really wish i could do that kinda thing. dont think my computer, which i got from the Ark, would put up with that.

Nice to meet you.;)

(Volvo :eek:, i should warn you i am a biker:D)
There are books? :eek: Oh, dear. Now I feel like bad, bad, misinformed fan.

Ah, VHS. I can understand why that may cause a problem from time to time. I can only watch VHS at my parents and most of my old, favourite tapes are beginning to be... well, to old. Which means I have to find them again on DVD. *sigh*

Aw, thank you. We (me and sffhound) are horribly proud of them... it's gotten so bad that I sometimes have problems getting out of the house, because my head won't fit through the door any more. :D

Biker, hm? Well, since you're not a stupid shiny Volvo owner you shouldn't feel offended. I have no problem with bikers... but those darn volvos... Grrr.

LOL! Youtube is known to have that effect on people. There's just do much out there! And those vids seems to be great! I've only watched "raing men" so far but, man, that was so fun! :D
There are books? :eek: Oh, dear. Now I feel like bad, bad, misinformed fan.

Don't feel bad about missing the books - most of them aren't worth reading. The characters are out of character and the stories are boring. Blech.

Stick to vidding and you'll be happier. =)
I hated PMaiaR - it was too clunky and too predictable. I hated knowing everything that was gonna happen before it happened.

I read the UNSEEN trilogy and hate that too. Mailed all 4 of those to a fan in the UK just to get them out of my house. *g*

"These Our Actors" was about the only one that I liked. I stopped trying to read them after I hit Unseen.

I'll have to take a peek at the vids when I get home... can't do that at work. =)