Awaiting Dragon Age

Same here Overread: Battlefield 1942 bugged the crap out of me with its bugs. You really didn't have to use cheat codes to cheat... who needs a noclip cheat when a way to do it is built into every map. EA's console games are all well-polished but their history with computer games is shoddy at best...

I love the production staff behind this game, but EA as a publisher scares the H out of me.

By the way, not sure if anyone's into pre-orders and Collector's Editions but this seems to be part of the CE (be aware that there's also a Bioware Edition possible, which would be like a CE with even more extras, no details on that yet):

The Dragon Age Origins Collector's Edition comes with:
  • Tin Case
  • Bonus DVD including:
    • A making of documentary
    • Soundtrack
    • Trailers
    • Wallpaper
    • Concept art video
    • Strategy tips.
  • Cloth Map
  • 3 pieces of exclusive in-game content:
    • Bergen’s Honor: A massive helmet made out of dragonbone (+2 to armor, +25 physical resistance, +6 to attack)
    • Grimoire of the Frozen Wates: A special book that adds +3 to all attributes when read
    • Final Reason: A magical staff of immense power (adds to damage, spell power, and fire damage)
  • Additional In Game Content
    • "The Stone Prisoner" unlockable bonus quest and unlockable character, Shale
  • An unlockable item for Mass Effect 2
    • Get an exclusive in-game item for use in the upcoming title Mass Effect 2
From - Buy Dragon Age Origins Collector's Edition - PC
I'll be getting it for the PS3, but the toolset stuff does look cool.

I have high hopes for this game, but I do worry it won't live up to expectations. I'll be very interested to see how character generation works.
I got the digital deluxe version from Steam. It was expensive at 64.99 but its already preloaded for the release at 2pm eastern tomorrow! Can't wait to check it out :)

While I have been waiting for it I also bought a new game from Runic games called Torchlight. It is a diablo clone and tons of fun there is also a free demo of it on steam. The game has three classes the Warrior, the Vanquisher, and the Alchemist and they all come with a pet that helps you in the fights, plus the pet can carry as much as your character and you can send the pet to town to sell things while you carry on through the dungeon.

There is also fishing in the game and the fish transform your pet into other monsters/animals/etc all with varrying strengths and weaknesses. Anyway its a brand new game and its on Steam for $19.99. If you download the demo its the full game so if you like it you can just pay and continue on with the character you started in the demo after the full game is unlocked.
I#ll be interested to see how Dragon Age plays out - sadly my current machin would keel over and die if I tried to play it so no demos to try for me. But it will be interesting to see if Bioware are going to deliver now that that evil company is in charge of things ;)

edit - curse (and bless) you Rahl Torchlight looks interesting! GoG recently put Divine Divinity up for sale so I've been toying with the demo for that recently, but its just not up to hack and slash like Diablo was. now Torchlight looks to be a far more healthy return! I might just have to get steam to get it..
I just wish the UK PS3 version wasn't coming out a fortnight later than everything else :(
woot! i have my collectors edition in my -not-so- grubby hands right now! looks awesome, even from just the packaging. The standard packaging didn't thrill me, got to admit - could hurt PC sales ... but perhaps not for the 360 and PS3 - since so many console games have similarly non-descriptive front covers...
Have the character generator that was downloadable from the dragon age website... that was fun, and it's definitely more detailed than the Mass Effect character creator (being Bioware's last CGer to compare with... the creator for ME2 must be something special since they're touting it as the best character generator they've ever produced)... and generally more attractive faces are easier to create than in ME as well - the problem with the larger eyes for females remains... they looked eternally stunned or shocked... unless you make them smaller, but that defeats the point of large eyes... again, you could be going for that Anime look... ;)
My copy was apparently dispatched yesterday! w00t!! (Damn UK PS3 lag)

Hoping it will be waiting on my doormat when I get in from work - glowing faintly and letting of a mysterious (yet angelic) hum.

Anyone know about the Lion's Paw and Memory Band DLC that comes free with preordering (with amazon anyway)?

I promised myself that I would only play one game at a time at the moment... but I don't think I'm gonna be able to wait :)
D'you mean how they're downloaded, or the stats?

Not sure about the former. For the latter I think the boots improve evasion and the memory band increase experience.

Got it myself yesterday. First game like it I've played so it's taking me a little time to get into it. Heard of framerate and difficulty issues, but not noticed either myself. Difficulty (at normal) is nicely pitched. I've had a few 'deaths' (characters dying, rather than game overs) and a few close calls but it's well-balanced.
i'm almost finished on my first playthrough. This has got to be BioWare's best game EVER. it tops Baldur's Gate II in terms of epic scope, and talk about immersion... there are points where i almost forget to breathe. Party NPCs... its like they've taken the best traits from the more fleshed out NPCs and made them into even better ones for this game.
Beware... the Dog will steal your heart... its soooo cute...
Don't think I'm as far done as you, though I'm maybe halfway into the game now.

Got to say that I love the difficulty level (on normal), it's just right. I dislike games that are ridiculously easy, but when you do die, quite often there's a cunning change of plan you can adopt to win.

I'm also a dog fan (named, Kai-dog after my own pet, but on the now removed Bioware forum someone had the great suggestion of Barkspawn). Just wish I had wireless to download Shale.

Never played a Bioware game before so can't compare to Baldur's Gate, but it is a very nice game.
Baldur's Gate II is probably my favorite game over all. I've held off on this as I need to be sure my video caard will handle it...Still haven't checked. I noted that the ram requirment s etc. aren't that bad and looks like most machines even a few years old might run it.
Managed to hold off for about 2 days once I got it :)

Good, fun RPG; well balanced, as Thaddeus says (like him, I've only tried it on Normal yet). I must say I haven't really got the hang of the pause-and-play battles (I'm playing on PS3); I tend to just play through in real time. I tend to just have general tactics that I let my party use rather than changing them up that much from fight to fight.

I've done a lot of dawdling around, and think I'm something like 20% in to the main story.

For me, the game's really fun; solid RPG action. But TBH, it hasn't totally rocked my world. Not sure why; perhaps I'm yet to get the best bits. I'd give it about 8/10.
I'm about 67% in.

I also generally just play in real time, but sometimes micromanagement can be a real help.

In places I did have to lower the difficulty level. Some fights I replayed repeatedly on Normal (and won), a few I got a little impatient with and lowered to Casual.
The characters you can collect to have in your party are really well written, so much so that if you do or say something that upsets them it generally has the same effect on you. There is a male named Alistar that stays with you for the entire game and I really think the ladies will absolutely be head over heels in love with this guy, everything he says is pure gold. He is a rommance option for the female PC, there are also several other rommance options with even some gay rommance options, Bioware caters to everyone...hehe

My favorite quest so far has to be the Deep Roads, the tunnels the dwarfs built underground to connect all their cites, which I might add have been taken over by the Darkspawn...all I will say is CREEPY! very very creepy indeed! :)
I just finished the game a couple days. What an amazing, fully developed story. There was nothing left out. And there was so many different directions you could go and pretty much everything you did affected the outcome at the end. I really enjoyed this game. By far the best RPG I've played. If you haven't gotten it GET IT! It took me 72 hours to finish though lol. I might go through another run later if I feel like it.
I just finished the game a couple days. What an amazing, fully developed story. There was nothing left out. And there was so many different directions you could go and pretty much everything you did affected the outcome at the end. I really enjoyed this game. By far the best RPG I've played. If you haven't gotten it GET IT! It took me 72 hours to finish though lol. I might go through another run later if I feel like it.

I have been through the game few times now and each time I have found lots of things I missed the first time through...

For instance at the end in the battle against the Archdemon you have the option of calling in the armies you gathered durring the course of the game, first time through I never even noticed this.
Played about 25 hours of this in the last 5 days (I'm usually lucky to play 1/2 hour a day). I'm absolutely loving DA. It's been years since I've been hooked on a computer game.
I'm quite enjoying this as well. It can feel a bit linear at times but no more so than Fable 2 etc and the story is good enough to keep you interested in developments. I haven't got very far in the game yet (apart from completing all 6 origin stories) but it's pretty good so far. On a par with something like KOTOR or Mass Effect.

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